A Peculiar Death, and HEIR POLL!! 9.3

Yes yes, Simmers, you read that right, we’re ALREADY READY for the HEIR POLL!  I just couldn’t stop playing when Ike took over, so his posts have been incredibly long.  Helen had like, 13 chapters, depending on who wins the heir poll, this could be Ike’s last one!  This post has over 140 pictures, so get comfy and dig in!

As always, we begin with ZALE CHECK!
Tahiya is sleeping, in the throes of her midlife crisis, and dreaming about the recent loss of her Mother-in-Law.

Ike just got off work, and is mourning Helen’s passing.
His IF is right where we left it ages ago.

Jillian is sleeping.

Jenny and Juniper are having a chat – I’m sure it’s a request for a bedtime story.

James is also asleep – and I may or may not have forgotten he existed.

Here’s July, about to begin a cry fest due to being a smelly, poopy mess.

Oh Tahiya, I like you.
You’re a pretty lady and your genes have proven to be very strong!

Ike enjoying a fun pillow fight with his son…
…rolls a wish to woohoo with his wife.  He is SO FUNNY!

This is the awesome Lucky Palms bookstore.
It has this adorable reading annex outside with tables, a chess board, and a bar!  It’s way cute.

Ike and July are on their way there to buy some new guitar music.  I’ve never purchased the music from the store before, so I thought it’d be fun.
Everyone else is at work or school, so we had to bring July along.

For some reason, I thought Ike would have to leave July outside on the pavement…
…but I was really pleased with the fact that she got to go in too.

And oh yeah!  Opting the household back into the celebrity system has it’s perks!
Oh yeah, benefits
Excellent, those bits of sheet music were very expensive!

With July nestled safely in the shade, Ike learns a new song or two.
July looks very spooky smashing her teddy.  I thought she didn’t have an IF, but I just hadn’t checked the mail in forever.  She’ll have one later.  I had been paying the bills via last minute pop-up.

Hey look!  It’s Imogene!
Hi sweetheart!  ❤

Then Ike had to head to work, so we left July there.  Hopefully it won’t be a problem?
I’m sure the bartender will take excellent care of her.  (Note: I sold the itty bitty bar, and put down a professional bar so people could enjoy real food and drinks.)

Well, I’m sure everyone knew this, but we couldn’t leave July there, so we had to run her home first.
Now Ike’s missing work, I probably should’ve thought about that first, – OH WELL.

Hey, look at this cool playground the cab drove by.
I need to get the family out more.  Isn’t it cute?  I REALLY like Lucky Palms.  And I recommend it to anyone who contemplated buying it in the past.  It’s way better than Aurora Skies, where this family started.

Okay Jenny, watch your sister, Dad’s late for work!
Ike just plopped July down on the floor and ran off to the job.

Jenny did not actively watch her sister, but thanks!  AND that’s even YOUR desk!
I love it when Sims do homework at their desk.  (as I’m sure you’ve noticed)

Good ol’ James is out and about riding his bike home one-handed and barefoot.
Kinda made me think of a real little boy, playing around on a sunny afternoon.  It was a cute moment from him.

What the?  He was NOT riding home like I thought!
The Zale house is about as far from here as possible!  Why on Earth did he go out here to do his homework?

OOOOooooh!  It was this house.
I vaguely remember him getting to go to someone’s house after school.  I like the little shack, it has character.  The kid who lives here was nowhere to be found.

I do not anticipate the night ending well for James.
His real friend couldn’t be bothered to show up, but at least James has his IF.

July, experiencing one of her first trips to the ground floor of the house, found out how cool her big brother’s room is.

Juniper here is about to harass her sister for a bedtime story.
*sigh*  So annoying!

Jillian is preparing salad in her swimsuit.
I have no idea why there’s an orange plasma juice on the counter…

Ha ha, Tahiya is a police officer.
I had kinda forgotten.  Helen was just in this career, so it wasn’t really noteworthy… but she’s cute!

And she’s being helpful!
July hadn’t even screamed for a meal yet.  Thanks Tahiya!

Meanwhile, Ike got promoted!
Even though he was late.

Ike announces his promotion to his lovely wife.
His dorky work uniform.  ❤ Ike.

She is adorably excited for him.
Ha ha ha!  Too cute.

Then I remembered I wanted to age Ike up.  When Ike first met Tahiya, he was three days older, now he’s 11 days younger.  I gotta fix it.
I would’ve thrown a party, or used a cake – but I have actual birthdays looming, and I didn’t want to wait any longer.

Nice Ike.
It’s a good look for you.

Tandem yawning.
True love, right there.

About now I remembered that I was going to make a video for you guys so you could hear the alien voice.  So here ya go!


Ike had rolled a wish to pillow fight with a Sim, AND to pillow fight with Jenny.
Omg, her ridiculous face!

Mom sleeps through the ruckus.
A baby crying in the backyard would wake her up , but a pillow fight in the same room?  Non-issue.

Hey look!  The kid made it home!
He looks like he’s sleep eating, but YAY!  He’s home!

Aw, these two.
Even in sync dreaming.  Paint brush and art.  Even if Tahiya is a terrible artist.

Jillian LOVES the water slide.  I always find her wearing her swimsuit, and I knew she’d been out here.
It never seems to interfere with her needs either, so that’s really great!  House is pretty!

Good morning, Jenny!
I love her room and her PJ’s.

This is July in front of the bookstore.
Ike got an opportunity to increase his logic skill by doing some riddle here.  We had to bring July to avoid the babysitter point hit, but this time he could NOT bring her inside.  She sat out here for MANY HOURS.  Terrible.

The paparazzi have gained entrance to the house.
I do not like it.

Oooh yeah!  Look at the two-star celebrity prepare food!
Get out!

Damnit James.  You do NOT need a story to go to bed.
Fail.  -5

Grumpy Tahiya in a rocking chair…
…I can see the headlines now.  😐
Get out of here!  Note:  I had to reset her, Ike couldn’t ask her to leave, and I know she shouldn’t have made it inside in the first place.  She’s also surprisingly thin for a paparazzi.

Koi interlude.
They were looking extra pretty.

This is James, sitting on Jenny’s bed, reading a pregnancy book.
Nice kid.  gotta learn somehow, I guess.

I got a pop-up that Juniper was skipping school on a field trip day!  I know I saw her heading out, so I went to investigate and…
…oh dear!  Her elbow is throwing up on her clean clothes!  Maybe she SHOULD stay home!

It’s a SimSelf!  Hi Julia!
Julia:  Hey!  It’s Jenny!  I like her 😀

I then took this opportunity to age her back down.  I can’t have SimSelves dying.
Above is my half-arsed attempt at making Julia look like she used to.  GOOD ENOUGH.

Sammy appears just as Ivanna is leaving, and Ivy is arriving.
I’m not 100% sure what is up with Ivy’s arms… but hey.

I also age Sammy back down.
But she has a cane.  So now she’s a young person with a cane.  OH WELL.

She instantly replaced the cane with deep fried fish.
But I’ve seen her around town, and she still walks with it… apparently she suffered an injury during the age down process in CAS.

Birthday time!
James, Juniper and July!

Adorable!  And damn I have a lot of ceiling lights.
Oh well, they make the lighting good for photos.


James:  Daddy!  What’s happening?!?
He looks terrified.

And like crap.
He had “indifferent” study habits, resulting in good being locked in.  Could be worse.  Weird thing is, he rolled a wish for “emperor of evil” sometime back, and I locked it in.  He’s now a good Sim with an evil LTW.  Weird.

Here he is after makeover.
Believe it or not, those eyebrows have an arch.  His brow shape is just super weird.  I think he’s unattractive and I’m glad it’s a girl’s turn!  He’s clumsy, good, insane and loves the outdoors.

July sparkle dances into the next life-stage after her big brother.
She rolls her trait and is now a disciplined, friendly night owl.

She’s a cutie patootie before makeover.
Even with plantsim hair.

I adore her little face!

The Zalien goes last.

Juniper had indifferent study habits and gained the daredevil trait.  This joins clumsy, disciplined and genius.
She scares me.  😐

After makeover:
I took this opportunity to wear some of the ITF items, and I think she looks – well, like an alien.  I thought she couldn’t wear make-up, but I figured it out by the time we get to the Heir Poll.

And woooee!  That nose!
I like her mouth though…  And adding eyebrows definitely helped.  Gotta think positive, since it’s a very real possibility that she’ll win the poll.

A couple of kids rolled a wish for a Bonehilda, and I don’t think we have any coward or neurotic Sims, so…
Here we go!

Juniper and her daddy enjoy the guitar.
They have a really nice relationship.

*GASP* The Flamingo!
You bastards!

Bonehilda is hard at work.
*sigh*  I miss my badass Bonehilda.  The one that was better than yours.

The teens get home from school and get off the bus in this very orderly manner.
I thought it was kind of adorable.

They all sit and do their homework.
Jenny, Juniper, and James inside, Jillian and house guest Gwendolyn outside.  They’re so studious!

Bonehilda is on her eleventh hour of hopscotch.
And loosing, it would seem.

If she ever stops, I’m selling it.

OOPS!  Jenny is neurotic!
I had forgotten.  I sold the hopscotch board, and kept her around for a bit to see if she’d be useful.  There was this rotting pile of laundry in the dining room and she never picked it up, so I put her back in the coffin.  Buh-bye!

Ike has a fair bit of free time, and he’s MASTERED the guitar! (YAY!) so I sent him to the park to play for tips just because.
I really like Lucky Palms, lovely park!

Damnit James!
And July!  You are not helping!  (Note July’s PJ’s pay homage to her Egyptian roots.)

These two are getting along nicely.
I think they bond over having ugly noses.

But they’re super cute together.
And Jillian’s nose is far superior.  Just sayin’.

Tahiya is exhausted and has been running around in her swimsuit for a couple days.
Sleep would be better than coffee, and you look fresh outta rehab with those sunglasses.

I love Ike.

Then I discover Tahiya is broken.
Screenshot-80I watched her sit and drink that same cup of coffee for four SimHours, and who knows when she started.  *Reset.

Jillian has taken a (brief) interest in the pool table!
She’s practicing the gnome trick shot!

It apparently needs much more work…
As she took a billiard ball to the face.  All I can say about that is OUCH!

She takes a break from pool and hits the pool.  Wait.  That’s confusing.  She takes a break from the trick shot, and heads out for a swim.
There’s a full moon on the rise.

This is Ike talking to Julia on the phone because he wished it.
Immediately after his conversation, he rolled a wish to woohoo with his wife.  Julia gets his motor running, it would seem.  That, or the theatre chat.  So enlightened.

Frequently, since her teen birthday, this is the only Sim awake.
Having that brain power thing instead of an energy bar is neat.

It’s Leisure Day!  Party time!  The Zales throw a pool party!  And they actually have a pool, unlike every other Sim pool party.
Simselves and family are over.  Aw.

Hey guys?  This cup?  that’s the one that Tahiya got stuck drinking FOREVER ages ago.
It’s still hot.  FREAKY!  I blame the Zalien.

Ike gets some hotdogs going for the party.

Ike isn’t that good at grilling, it would seem.  He’s coughing and coughing.
Which kind of makes sense, as I bought that grill just for this party.  So he’s never used one before.

Not a bad little party!  For now.
Imogene, Ivy, Julia, Ike, Irene, and Iris.  L to R.  Ike may not have had much experience with the grill, but his hotdogs were a big hit!

Ike rolled ONE midlife crisis wish.  It was to flirt with this maid.
I had him run and hide in a bathroom so no one would notice…

But the family has x-ray vision and is all worked up about it.
James is first on scene, in his idiotic formal wear.

Oh come on… it’s just a flirt!

And, now it’s a cluster of upset children.
Yes Iris, you’re very sneaky, and I’m glad you like Juniper, I’m sure you’ll be great friends.

It was just a flirt for heavens sake!  Besides, we hid in the bathroom.  You were all in the POOL a moment ago.  Sheesh.

I was watching this unfold, and the camera panned away.


I wanted to reset her so bad.

Oh my llama, this is terrible.  TERRIBLE.

DOES THIS COUNT AS AN ACCIDENTAL DEATH!?!  I counted it as one -10.

Oh Imogene.
</3 a million times over.

Ike:  Hey guys!  I got tofu hotdogs in case you don’t eat meat!  Alright!  Party!
He hasn’t noticed that his SISTER has just died in HIS POOL.

I cannot believe she went happily with death.
She was so young!

Ike:  Oop!  I think something is happening outside. I better put these hotdogs down.

Ike:  My daughter July is AWESOME!
He never noticed.  He never got a mourning moodlet.  In fact, most of the Zale household members didn’t notice.

And weirdly enough, the party just kind of went on afterwards.
Everyone having a nice time.  Seriously.  Imogene JUST DROWNED!  WTF?!?  You can see the last little shred of mourning disappearing.  The party must go on – apparently.


OMG thank you.  What is wrong with the Zale pool?
It’s just normal!  There’s two ladders, and besides, Sims can just hop out the side now!

Ike never even noticed his SISTER JUST DIED.

Now Jillian?

So this?  This is Giles’ son David… I’m unsure exactly what is going on with him now…
But at least he cares about the loss of Imogene!

Surprisingly, everyone enjoyed the party, even though about half the guests lost a sister to a tragic drowning.  Below is how much our host cared.
As he sings in a bubble bath.  I just, can’t believe it.  When I started writing this post, and I saw Imogene at the bookstore, I was incredibly sad, knowing what was coming for her.  </3 Imogene </3

I sent Ike to go get Imogene’s remains, since she died on Zale property.
I went ahead and picked up Meredith too.

I laid Meredith to rest next to Giles, even though they hated each other in the end.  Alejandro does not deserve a place here, and Giles doesn’t deserve to be buried alone.
I placed Imogene in front of Helen and Ramon, so she could rest with her parents. </3

But, gaming goes on, and I did more than just LOSE points in this update!
Jenny Honor Roll
yeah Jillian
Jenny and Jillian have made honor roll!

I was waiting for Ike to get off work, and spotted Ivanna!
Hi UIG!  Nice to see you.  It’s funny, Ivanna wears Helen’s hair, and Ike always ages up in Ramon’s ‘fro.  Oh family.

Then, it was prom.  I spent all this time fiddling with Ike trying to get him to “Jam” with another Sim, and by the time I gave up, I had missed them all going.
Except Jillian, because she was very, very late.

Jenny was queen, James was king, Juniper was denied a dance, and Jenny and this guy:
The face one in the dog t-shirt – became her Romantic Interest.

Juniper had a terrible time.
Denied for a dance, got in a fight, etc…
She’s also starving.
Sounds like a fun night.  😐

Back out the house, this shot is actually extra cute.
Why you ask?  Because Ike rolled a “read to sleep” wish for July and we made this happen by offering to read her a bedtime story.  It may look like all the other shots, but it’s ever-so-very different.

After most of the household went off to sleep, I decided to check out the graveyard.
Shelley and Daisy!

What?  Where in the heck did Shelley get a hoverboard?!?
She must’ve gotten up to more than just engineering babies in the future.

Shelley’s spouse Flora makes an appearance!

Then Erik, Liz (Eriz) and Ramon!
I’m SO GLAD these guys aren’t all on the property.  But it’s nice to see them!

They stayed well into the morning light.
Enjoying books, and the toys I put down for them.

I sent Ike to the park, and who did I see?
Recognize her?  No?  Neither did I.  It’s IVY!

While Ike was at the park, he enjoyed playing for some tips.
Piano this time.  He had rolled a wish to play piano in the park, so I packed up his portable keyboard and off we went!

I also abandoned all the IF’s we’ve collected.

And we spot another familiar Zale!
At least we should recognize the hair.  It’s Irene!

I was enjoying listening to Ike play, and then his lovely music became melded with a very familiar sound.  A sound that didn’t make sense.  The sound of a child singing to an IF.
This Townie has picked up one!  Alarming!  I wonder if he took it with him?  SO WEIRD!

Back at the house I find studious cuties.
Screenshot-130After school homework party.  That’s Gwendolyn.  She’s made a couple other appearances this post – with Juniper and Jenny.

I wondered why James hadn’t joined in… so I find him off contemplating a sketch…
…In his pretentious formal wear.  Which is totally a sweater and a wool suit.  So appropriate for this desert town.  (I don’t like him)

Smelly Jillian, Jenny and July!

Juniper, Gwendolyn and James show their enthusiasm.

Jenny goes first!
She gets to roll, and adds friendly to clumsy, loves the cold, frugal and neurotic.

She’s very pretty!  (Just like her mother)
And gets the Fashion Phenom LTW.  Reach level 10 of the Stylist profession.  Makeover shot later 🙂

Jillian goes next!
She rolls savvy sculptor which joins cat person, heavy sleeper, grumpy and good.

She is also very pretty (almost exactly like her mother)
And enters into the Descendant of da Vinci LTW.  Makeover shot later 🙂

Last but not least, July!

She rolls nurturing to add to night owl, friendly, and disciplined.
She’s also quite lovely!  Makeover shot coming up with the heir poll!

What?  Heir Poll?

Jenny Zale Jillian Zale Juniper Zale
July Zale

I’m looking forward to seeing the results!  Vote above, or vote on Boolprop.  Or Vote both places!  I’ll count all votes for each lovely lady.  I’ll close it when I close it, so get to voting!

So!  That’s that!  SO MUCH HAPPENED!  Ike’s reign has been brief but intense!  And sometimes, that’s nice!  Especially after the long and drawn out Helen years.  Do vote!  Do come back soon!  And until next time, Happy Simming! ❤

28 thoughts on “A Peculiar Death, and HEIR POLL!! 9.3

  1. plumbawesim

    Oh nooo poor Imogene 😦 that makes me so sad. For a second I was like “USE HER ONE ACTION TO SAVE HER” but then I remembered that she wasn’t in the household anymore. at least she was buried with her parents, so I’m sure you’ll see her ghost from time to time :/
    Unfortunately, the mourning system in the sims is so flawed and unless you’re in the active household, your sims don’t usually mourn close friends/family/etc. Which is really upsetting 😦
    On a more positive note, all the girls aged up beautifully 😀 I was deciding between Juniper and July for the heir vote and while I thought a Zalien would be a fun addition to the gene pool, I ultimately went with July (SHE’S GORGEOUS).

    1. Heather Post author

      It’s funny! (well, it’s terribly sad) but I was like, I don’t care if I can’t control her, I’m saving her! Then my brain realized, I actually CANNOT control her, since she wasn’t a part of the active household. I wanted to save her so bad, and I thought about resetting her, but that was just a mega-cheat, and I couldn’t do it. I was REALLY hoping July would win, but such is not the case… Looks like it’ll be Juniper. Oh well! I’m sure I’ll have fun with her! I wonder what her LTW will be?

  2. Sammy-Sama

    Imogene! D:
    That’s so upsetting, I can’t believe she went like that. I would put so many ladders in that pool if that happened to me, she was right by the edge!
    The girls are all lovely(though I’m still not used to Juniper’s appearance, even though I’ve had a bunch of aliens in my game). My favorite is still July 🙂

    1. Heather Post author

      It really was terrible to lose Imogene like that. I REALLY liked her. At least she wasn’t a YA anymore, but an actual adult, or it would’ve been even extra sad. You HAVE had several aliens, I’m surprised one little Zalien is throwing you, ha ha. July is my favorite too. I’ll miss her.

  3. gryffindork7

    Noooo! Imogene was my favourite of her generation! 😦 What is WITH all those sims drowning right next to the ladder? It happens a lot in my game, too, even if their energy bar isn’t empty — in fact, Katana almost drowned skinny dipping in China, before Florin or any of the rest were born… So that was a close call.

    I really enjoyed this chapter! Even though this generation has been short, it’s been a fun one. Don’t hate me, but I voted for Juniper. And not just because she’s an alien. I just love her in general! If seconds count, my second would have been July. 🙂

    1. Heather Post author

      Oh dear! Katana’s almost death would have made things VERY different indeed! I really liked Imogene too, and I was surprisingly bummed when she died in the pool. I don’t hate you! Vote for who you want! That’s the whole point. If I wanted to pick my favorites all the time, I wouldn’t poll at all.

  4. zefiewings

    I…wow! That’s crazy! Poor Imogene…

    I want to vote for Juniper SO BAD because an alien would be such a fun twist but THAT NOSE! I have the feeling it would take forever to breed out…

    I voted for Jenny because I actually think she is the prettiest and I love the ambitions jobs so that would be fun! ❤

    1. Heather Post author

      I know, I’m worried about many a generation of ugly, ugly children. Ha ha ha. I think Jenny is pretty too, but I feel like she looks SO MUCH like her momma. I have never attempted ANY of the ambitions jobs, so I think that would’ve been fun too.

  5. ozziedoggirl

    I was so going to vote for July… I really wanted to, just because you were going on about not liking Zalien… but… but… those genetics! Those traits! Plus a handful of expansions crash my game after a while and I need to live vicariously through others’ legacies for things like aliens and pets. : /

    1. Heather Post author

      ha ha ha! I know, I was pretty upfront about not really wanting the Zalien – but I’ve accepted the fact that it’s probably the future of the Zale Legacy – but I do know it’ll add something different! And 26 gens of all the same MIGHT just get a little dull. So I’ve resigned to Juniper PROBABLY winning, and aside from my fears of very unsightly offspring, I’m rather excited about it too.

  6. somebodysangel13

    Clumsy Disciplined Daredevil? How could I not pick Juniper, she’s amazing. I don’t love July’s face, and Jillian’s traits are boring. So, for me, it was a contest between Jenny and Juniper. I do so love Jenny’s eye/hair colour combo, but not so much the face. Chubby cheeks on a non-chubby sim looks so weird.

    But it looks like July is winning. Ah well, I’ll enjoy whatever you write, it’s Heather that brings the awesome, not the sims.

    YAY, all caught up. Aw, but now I have to wait for new posts 😦 Might give me a chance to check out some of the other legacies of your readers, though. So good and bad.

    1. somebodysangel13

      Oh, and wth Imogene? I have never had an accidental death in a poor. Occasionally the hydrophobic ones will get the thought bubble like that, but that’s just coz they’re stupid and swim even though they’re afraid of water. One less spare 😦

    2. Heather Post author

      July is NOT winning, as the boolprop-ians are total juniper fans! I WILL reply to all your nice comments soon, promise. I’m on the iPad right now and it sucks.

    3. Heather Post author

      I think when July grows into YA, she’ll really grow into that rounded look. Liz had a round face and she was thin, and I think she was adorable. But July is a little square-jawed. I’m bummed about this being the end of those giant eyes the Ralen kids got. I just loved them. I post pretty frequently, so you won’t have to wait too long!

  7. laserkatt

    IMOGENE NOOOES D: How is that even possible? :c I've seen sims get up without ladders when they're too tired to swim, so drowning -just- in front of it is really no excuse 😦 I suppose I should be happy that I refuse to build pools now ._.

    I loved the Bonehilda screenies, so funny 😀 Did she ever stop in the end or did she stay playing hopscotch forever? Maybe it was her one dream as a little girl, which she is now living in death. Yeah. *cough*

    It's also nice to see that SimMe is still incredibly inappropriate 😀 I laughed out loud when I read one of the older chapters where she turned into an elder, and people looked at me funny. In honour of her derpy elder look SimJulia in my game now wears the same cat jumper.

    I voted for July, because not only is she awesome, she looks like both her parents, and I think the twins look mainly like Tahiya. And I'm born in July, also known as the best month of the year. Ehehehehe. As much as I love aliens I read that they don't actually take on any genetics of the father, which kinda sucks, Other than that, they're really cool. For something completely different, I've always wanted to name a daughter (yes, in real life) Juniper. It's the best name. o/ This is a very long comment. PIE! ❤

    1. Heather Post author

      Yay! You’re back! OMG I know, the Imogene death was extra terrible. I have also seen Simmies just hop right out. It was awful to watch her die.

      My Bonehilda never stopped playing. When Ike finally got home, I just had him put her away. She was still outside playing – fulfilling her girlhood dream.

      You and that cat jumper ARE hilarious. And I’m glad you’ve decided it don it over on your own game.

      I agree with you completely about July. She’s the only non-alien who doesn’t look just like Tahiya. And Happy Birfday! You must have had it recently, or it is in a few days!

      I also am quite fond of the name Juniper. There’s this place I used to drive by all the time on the way to Idaho, called Juniper Canyon. It was beautiful.

      Love long comments! ❤

      1. laserkatt

        Yay Heather YOU’RE back! 😀 I thought it was unusual that you hadn’t posted anything for so long x3

        My bday was the 8th, so thank you ❤

        Long comments are the best o/

  8. misterwolfe86

    That alien voice is weird. I wonder if the designers had to record different sounds for each race, or just record it once and create voice modulating effects for each race. She looks like the TS2 aliens, but probably could benefit from a nose job.

    I’ve had a few parties where someone dies and most of the Sims just keep on going. Have you seen the water-fountain park yet? I noticed it the other day so I had the Sims stand right in the middle and pretend nothing was going on.

    1. Heather Post author

      The alien is beyond weird. I’m looking forward to playing again, but I’ve been very busy and I haven’t even plugged my PC back in since around September 24th. What water fountain are you talking about? I haven’t seen it…


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