Quill Gets a Degree 17.1

Hello!  Welcome, welcome!  There’s a lot to unpack here, so let’s just get started!

Zale Check!

One tired Quill is just getting ready for bed.

Bristol is just chillin’ growing the first baby of Generation R!

Quill wakes up to a disturbing phone call, his mother Paisley has passed away.

Sadness.  Definitely a bummer about being away at school – missed the death of his parents.

Bristol plays around on the computer while Quill is off at class, and discovers a new like!

Me too, Bristol, me too!

Quill keeps up with his studies.

Then just before his next class, Tina Tinker turns up with a present!

It was an upgrade part.  Thanks?

These two are just so cute.

I really adore them.

And united in loss, Bristol’s mother also passes away.

Poor guys.

With a baby on the way, a small bit of preparation has been done to the house.

Bristol had a long string of not sleeping, only napping.  But at least no fails… (yet)

I was worried it would be an ongoing problem, but she ends up sleeping normally later.

Another little Zale will be joining us soon!

I can’t wait to meet the nooboo!

Yeah, I know dear – it’s a mess.


Bristol’s sister Alexandra stops by!

While exploring the social menu between Quill and Alexandra, I saw the option to “Ask for Blessing to Marry”, so I give it a go!

She was happy enough, she’s just super sad about her mom dying.

Mahmoud must’ve taken his cell phone with him to the afterlife, as he calls to invite Quill to the Spice Festival.

Oh – I guess it was a text message – but still.  #realistic

You gonna have that baby any time soon, Bristol?

A nice little massage for a sore back.  They’re both finally done mourning their mothers.

These two make me so happy.

Seriously Bristol – have the baby already!

It was one of the longest “Give Birth In: ???” I’ve experienced.


I know I’m not supposed to interfere, ISBI and all that, but I like having babies at the hospital, so I have Bristol and Quill head off.

Quill handles it with grace and poise.

And then strangely enough – I agree with Quill’s reaction.

Uh – you guys okay?

Bristol manages to get back inside the birthing machine, and successfully produce an offspring.
YAY!  It’s a girl!

Little Rainy Zale is born – the first of the R Generation.

Hello, little one.

OH NO!  A FAIL!  -5

I’m so sorry Quill!  He was finally inspired, and for his Aspiration, he needed to cook while inspired.  I thought he’d make it!  Alas!

Bristol tries her hand at parenting…

…this isn’t what she needs, but I appreciate the effort.

Woo!  She figured it out!

Great work, Bristol!

So cute – it’s fun having a baby in the house.

Quill needs to throw a dinner party, and earn at least Silver.  I’ve never done it before, so I give it a go.  He invites his siblings, Queenie, Quay & Quest.

Hi Quay!


And um… Quest?

You okay there?

Nice dude.

You chop that salad.

So nice to see the spares all together.

Party went well, and FAST.

We got the required silver medal.

The party guests left instantly, but these two enjoyed a nice little chat.

Bristol doesn’t always get Rainy’s needs right on the first try, but she’s a very attentive momma.

It’s quite nice!

They are just precious, enjoying a nice breakfast.

Quill has some final classes of the term today!

I found some seeds in Quill’s pocket, thought we might try our hand at gardening.

See if he likes it.

Report card time!

He did great!

And it’s time for Quill’s final term!  Thank goodness.

I’ve actually had a good time, but so much of their life passes.  Quill is almost finished with young adulthood.  I’m glad they’ve already had one child, and that she’s heir eligible.

I bought them a treadmill; Bristol keeps Quill company.

They are such an easy going, and happy couple.  They choose to spend time with each other all the time, and always have such pleasant interactions.  They’re so charming and a joy to play.

Quill works on a term paper while Bristol makes it to parenting level 4.

Good work, both of you!

Bristol has channeled her maker trait into the lump of clay, and is very fond of it.

She makes many unique shapes, it is quite entertaining.

Rainy aged up!  She has rolled “wild” – oh goodie.

But what a little peanut!

Her little nook gets a makeover.

And Quill reads her to sleep.

I hate how hungry toddlers wake up in an ISBI.  It’s so difficult to get food in them when you can’t control them.  Even if Quill is around to try to get her fed, it’s often a challenge.  When I play non-ISBI games, I always take something out of the fridge and have the toddler grab it.  However, Bristol did EXCELLENT.

I should’ve known, and not been worried.

Of course, then Rainy does this.

I am not impressed.

Rainy managed to eat enough food to be in the mood to boogie with her momma.

Too.  Freaking.  Cute.

Later, poor Rainy wakes up from a nightmare!

That always makes me sad.

Momma Bristol to the rescue.

Rainy needs so many skills, but Quill is very busy with his classwork.


She is so stinkin’ CUTE.

Quill got a strange phone call about inheriting some money under some conditions.  I think I’ve asked about the conditions before, and the result was something like “Too bad, the only condition was not asking about conditions”… so I said the “MONEY MONEY MONEY” option just to see what happens.  Look at this!

Interesting!  I do want them to get married, but there’s a lot of that new(ish) wedding stuff I wanted to try out?  It’s Thursday now, so I should have until the following Wednesday?  We’ll see what happens!

Um, I agree with Quill’s expression.

Rainy needed to eat before bed, but it didn’t go well.  I’m counting this as a pass out fail.  -5

She woke up cheerful enough and played “smash the sandwich” vs “eat the sandwich”.

Aaannnd… out she goes again.


Try to cram in a potty-training session real quick-like, since she’s so behind on skills.

Phew!  We get her to bed before another fail!

Or not.


I got a pop-up that Bristol had learned the gardening skill.  Looks like she’s decided to tend to the plants.

Cool.  Quill sure hasn’t done anything with them.

Rainy keeps her daddy company while he studies.

They both look like they’re having a blast.

Then some playtime!

Oops.  Sorry Bristol.

Happy Birthday!

Bristol wasn’t even that bummed about not getting a cake, and resumed her regular happy-go-lucky self.

Follow-up on the strange phone call about getting married for an inheritance.

Quill has this moodlet.  Very interesting!

Bristol doesn’t usually have to cook, as Quill is the chef in the family, but she decided right now she likes cooking.

And Quill is rocking those knives.

Bath time!

Followed by unsafe and irresponsible unsupervised time.

Both her parents are sleeping, so it’s middle of the night lawn games time.

Bristol saves the day!

Of course!

With Rainy properly tucked away, these two enjoy some adult time.

I totally forgot they weren’t engaged!


That magically disappears.

Quill?  What are you doing?  You’re not childish, are you?

Oh, he is.  Anyway, that little train graphic is so cute!

Final grades!

Not so great in “Big Food” but hey – he was raising a toddler!  All-in-all, I’d say he was very successful!

I know, I know I keep saying it…


Hey!  His graduation is tomorrow!

My first one in TS4!

No Ralph.  Quill does not want to hang out with his fiancée’s ex-husband.

Quit it.

I noticed Quill had a family loss sadness moodlet.

Looks like it must’ve been his Aunt Penny.

They certainly weren’t close.

Rainy enjoys more unsupervised outside time.

They seem to have a little bit of opposite sleep schedules.

Quills sadness made him want to finish a painting.

How talented.

Hey!  Graduation time!

He looks silly with that face he’s making.

Looks fun?

Kinda cool!

But uneventful.

Quill got a moodlet about graduating (which I swore I captured, but must not have), so I’m not sure what else there is to do here.  I was just about to move them back into the Zale house when I thought – I don’t think there’s any living relatives!!!  Did we lose the house?!?!?!

Oh thank goodness!  QUEENIE IS HERE.

Back at the Zale Homestead, Quill gets a little wall of honor.

Kinda neat!  I like seeing things I haven’t seen before.

Although Queenie definitely saved the day, it’s time for her to move out.

Bye dear!  Thanks for everything!  I always knew you were special and underrated!

I wanted to try out the new wedding event stuff, but I think I’ll save that for the next heir.  There’s lots of cool stuff to do, and these guys are already adults.  Also, they don’t seem to have any relationships to make parties, or weddings, or ring pals, or anything like that worthwhile.

So why not elope in the laundry room?

As fine a wedding as any.

With that, Quill begins his chef career and enjoys a signing bonus!

I also believe he has started at level 7.

Well – that’s all for this update!  Join us again soon (hopefully) to see what’s next for those Zany Zales!  Cheers and happy simming!

PS. I think because they moved, the potential inheritance from the weird phone call requiring Quill to get married was lost. They did get married within the window, but since they’re not in that neighborhood anymore, no dice. Still was a fun experience!

Self Wetting (-5):
Pass Out (-5): 6 (-30)
Failing School (-5):
NTH children earning an A in school (+5): 4 (+20)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5):
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5): 8 (+40)
Accidental Deaths (-10):
Fires (-10): 1 (-10) (ha ha ha ha, one…)
Social Worker Visit (-15):
Single Birth (+5): 1 (+5)
Twins (+10):
Triplets (+15):
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5):
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10):
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5):
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10):
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10):
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10):
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10):
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20): 2 (+40)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5):
Left Over Points from TS3: +535
New Count in TS4: +65
Total: +600

1 thought on “Quill Gets a Degree 17.1

  1. zefiewings

    I agree that university takes so long. My only mod is so I can have an adjusted lifespan for that very reason. Long is just CRAZY long compared to normal. Rainy is so cute. Can’t wait to see what else they get up too!
    This always makes me want to play an ISBI lol


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