There’s a Chicken in the House 16.6

Welcome to another fun and exciting post in the Zale ISBI-Alphabetcy!  Today, this blog is 2,890 days old – or 7.9 years.  Well then.  We’ll finish eventually.  Probably.  Before I collect Social Security.


Mahmoud is cheering on the dishwasher.

Paisley is sleeping – trust me, she deserves the rest.

Quest is also asleep, in her own room, in her own bed.

So that’s good.

Quay, although IN the bathroom desperately needs to USE the bathroom.

It’s right there buddy, you can do it.

Quill is filling his bladder.

Whilst also needing to empty it.

Ferdy is on the counters.

Of course.

Zale check complete.

Quill.  Stop that you naughty boy.

Another thing for Paisley to have to clean up later.

Quay finds the jungle gym I bought for Quill’s aspiration.

Nothing like 3 am monkey bars, amirite?

Very pregnant Paisley gets some food in her while Quill & Quest are sweet to each other.


Okay Mahmoud, there’s a lovely plate of eggs and bacon RIGHT THERE.  I hope whatever you’re making doesn’t catch on fire.

PS – I think he’s more fire prone because he’s clumsy.  I read he’s less likely to use “things successfully” – whatever that means.

I’m watching you.

Good.  Good job.

And Ferdy, get off the danged counters.

Aw, these two…

Spoiler – know what happens later, uploading these photos made me sad.

Looks like Paisley forgot to pay the bills (clearly I didn’t forget) so the power is out.

One bored Mahmoud is forced to entertain himself with Ferdy – much to Ferdy’s pleasure!

The kids are home from school on another smoggy day.

Looks like Quest has some dishes to clean up.  As per his norm, Ferdinand greets the kids.  Ily Ferdy.

Quill came home and went straight to nap – in his sisters bed.

I did assign beds!!

Quay – that is not YOUR bed.

You guys are the worst…

Okay, this idiot decided to take my words to heart, and quit napping in his sisters bed.
FAIL!  -5  Thanks  a lot, Quill.

These two manage to keep the love alive throughout all the chaos and silliness.

Paismoud 5ever.

The whole family makes it off to work and school, leaving Mahmoud home with Ferdy.

At least he has TV to entertain him this time!

Until he broke it.

Thanks a lot.

Paisley goes into labor while at work, with lots of hours left until she gets home.  I thought I took the snip of her labor notification but I missed it.  I call her home from work early, and send her off to the hospital.

I swore I clicked “Join”, but she goes alone.  Probably for the best, as she’s managed to fail in her previous births.

It’s a Girl!

I name her Queenie.  So much for a third option for heir poll, but still good – and points!  +5

Kids arrive home from school miserable & smelly.

Well, Quay looks happy enough – although he is indeed smelly.

Oh shoot.  Thanks a lot Quill.

That’s another one for you.  FAIL -5

Queenie is smelly too, apparently it’s a family trait.

Paisley is busy sleeping, so come on Mahmoud.

Quill found his bed for napping.  Quay found it for crying bout an unwanted sibling.

Neither has managed to bathe.

Penny came over to talk to herself in the mirror.

Okay then.  But always nice to see a Zale spare.  Even if she’s the only one.

Paisley gets promoted!

I choose the administrator branch.  I haven’t done either, but this one makes more money – potentially.

It’s TV Season Premiere night, so Pais & Mahmoud watch it together.

Aw.  Looks riveting.

Penny swings by again to play with her niece and nephew’s toys.

Always welcome… even if she’s weird.

Paisley makes Quest a cake in the nick of time, but can’t stick around to celebrate, as she’s about to pass out.

Happy birthday Quest!

She rolls mean and is already a goofball.  I giver her the Chief of Mischief aspiration.

It’s nice to hopefully have another set of helpful hands around the place.


Good job big sis!

I send Paisley out for a jog, as she could stand to slim down a bit.

Funny I said that when this was her pic – she’s much heavier later.  No worries, I love me some Paisley, no matter the size.

Quest does her homework!

Good girl!  However, you should change out of your PJs.

Someone help Queenie!

Paisley is at work!

Thank you Mahmoud!

Or not.  It’s crying, what do I do?

I don’t know dude, you’re like parenting level 8 – figure it out.

15 wrong actions later…

Thank you.  I GUESS.

Quay gets an A!  Yay points!

I finally switched to TS4 scoring, so this will help!  +5

I also have a couple Happy Toddlers:

Quay does NOT have it – poor thing.  Anyhoo, +10

The boys are home from school and chatting in the nursery.

Aka the social hub and homework zone.


Oh hey!  Cottage Stuff!

Not sure how any of this works, but we had to get the animals!  I build a little section for chickens, and an animal shed for one llama and one cow.

Doesn’t quite fit with their urban living, of course, but at least their lot had the space.

The second I hit un-pause after adding the little farm, this happened.

Oops, no party.  Sorry Pais.

Yes yes, mope away – did you see you can buy a cow!?!

Also immediately after restarting, Queenie ages up too!

Hi cutie!  She’s rolls angelic, lucky me!  She’s also the only child to get Mahmoud’s hair color, so that’s exciting!

Ferdy also decided to age up, as it’s the cool thing to do.

He’s an old man cat now.  I love you buddy.

The animals make an appearance!  Meet How Now the Brown Cow.

We also have Yzma, the white llama.

Welcome, ladies!

I also partially filled the chicken coop.  Not knowing how Sims chickens work, but thinking about irl chickens, I get one Brown Rooster, a Black Hen, a Brown Hen, and a White Hen.  Only a couple have made their appearance.

The coop can hold 8 chickens, but I want them to be able to hatch some chicks, so I leave some space.  The hens are Shadow (black), Snowflake (white), and Mocha (brown).  I name the rooster Frank.

Okay, the chickens are incredibly cute, I love them.

I also wanted to try out the new crops – not that Paisley doesn’t have enough to do.

Might regret.

Queenie is needing some attention in the house.

Can’t neglect the human baby!

Erm.  There’s a chicken in the house.

Hi Mocha.

Gorsh dangit Mahmoud!  STOP STARTING FIRES.

FAIL -10

Thank you Quest, you were very helpful.

Mahmoud: unfazed

Time to make this thing lint-less.

Pais decides she dislikes handiness – tough luck toots, you’re the only one to do it.

I got notified that all the animals were unhappy, dirty, etc.  I think it’s just too much with Paisley being the only one capable of doing anything.

I love the animals, and the gameplay is great, but Paisley was overwhelmed half the time before the livestock.

NO!  QUAY!  Don’t age up!  Your momma is making your cake RIGHT NOW.

Drat.  He rolled snob to go with squeamish.  Charming.  I randomize the Friends with Animals thing.  Quite the chin!

He’s still handsome though – and I should’ve given him glasses.  I’ll try to remember to do that.

His first teen action happens to be a very helpful one…

…as Queenie was very near passing out.  Thanks bud.

Hi Son, here’s your birthday ca– oh.

I saw you could now “cook together” with a Sim, so I tried it with Paisley & Quill.

Aw!  So cute!

Reluctantly I’m realizing I can’t keep the livestock happy, Pais just has too much to do, and is the only working member of the household.

I’ll try to take the chickens, but Yzma and How Now might have to go.

Quay, somehow feeling I could use some more help, waters the watermelons.

Thanks bud – now fix the broken plumbing, take care of the dishes, vacuum, cook, clean, and be the sole bread winner.  Fine – just go to school.

Oh.  My.  Heavens.  We have a chick!

No no, not How Now, the little, yellow, adorable, thing in the foreground!

Ferdy races out to greet Quill and Quest on their arrival home from school.

Both “B” students.

Nice try, Queenie – I appreciate your “help”, but that’s not how you fertilize the crops.


Quay!  You helpful teen you!

He rescues the filthy toddler, AND cleans her up!  #winning

Quest says she’s helpful too!

Not my number one locale for flashcards, but hey – I’m not complaining.

*GASP* Looks like the most recent update fixes the vacuuming bug?  First time I’ve seen a Sim vacuum on their own.  It’s kind of been a disaster really – I considered uninstalling it.  Another save I play has a butler, and this ridiculous “Dust Pack” was a joke.

I did need to strip it from her inventory and put it in Paisley’s, but now I know I could give everyone one, and they’d probably help.  Note:  Apparently it’s a wet/dry vac.

Cleaning up Yzma & How Now for sale.

Sorry ladies, Paisely just can’t do it.

Hopefully we can manage the chickens and new crops.

(And now they’ll quit escaping.)

Penny stopped by to use the computer.

Everyone else was too preoccupied to visit with her.

Oh Mahmoud, you big cutie, look how pudgy you are!

And always taking such good care of Ferdy.  Mahmoud: Quit making cake.  Bless.

Kids get home from school, still “B” students, but Quill does his homework!

Pais really needs to make more money so she takes a day of PTO and works on her needed skills for a promotion.

The house bills are more than $4K, and she only brings home $800 per work day.  Time for her to skill is always on the back burner, so I invest in a little break from the office.  She has the vacation days, so she’ll still get paid.

Quay also works on his homework in the dedicated homework spot that is the toddler bed.
Penny makes another appearance!

Another new chick!


Quill earns an A!


Paisley comes home an exhausted mess, don’t let her face fool you.

Although she looks a wee bit nuts, which seems fitting.

Quill, are you trying to win bonus points for future heir?

Because it’s working for me!

Quay is not to be outdone.

Thank you, Boo.

And then this!

My heart! ❤

One of the chicks has grown into a black rooster.  I decide to sell him since we already have Frank.

He earns Paisley $100!

Oh.  oh.  my heart…

Well this is traumatic.  Ferdy?

This is awful.

I hate every second of it.

Rip beebee Ferdy.  Ily.

Ferdinand was a crucial member of the Zale family – even making the transition from TS3.  He was so friendly, and happy.  Mahmoud and him were especially close.  He will be genuinely missed from the household.

Death decides to stick around and visit.

The whimsy of it was lost on me, in the aftereffects of Ferdy’s passing.

But then he took out the trash…

…It helped.  I smiled.  One less chore for Paisley.

Even through all the sadness…

…There is cause to celebrate.

Happy birthday, Queenie!

Quay: **sad toot**

Queenie rolled bookworm and adds Whiz Kid.  She did not complete her toddler skills.  She did however earn Happy Toddler, so +5

I apparently didn’t take a picture until I found her the only one awake playing with toys.

She’s a cute patootie.  Even if she’s awake at 4 am.

The other Zales start to rise and WHAT IS THIS.

An autonomous repair!?!  Cool!  Thanks Quest!

A few short hours later….


Nothing brings a family together like TV. (L to R; Quay, Mahmoud, Quest, Queenie & Quill)  Paisley is feeding the chicken, but she’ll be in soon to bake a cake.

Mahmoud: Cake?

It’s Quill’s turn to join his older siblings in teenagehood.

He adds childish to genius, as well as Master Chef, which brings “essence of flavor”.  He’s the only possible heir to develop a like/dislike – and he likes Comedy.

Another handsome Zale!

And to end this VERY long post – Paisley FINALLY earns that promotion she’d worked so hard for.

Phew – what an adventure!  Come back soon (ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…) for the next installment!

Self Wetting (-5):
Pass Out (-5): 2 (-10)
Failing School (-5):
NTH children earning an A in school (+5): 2 (+10)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5):
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5): 3 (+15)
Accidental Deaths (-10):
Fires (-10): 1 (-10) (ha ha ha ha, one…)
Social Worker Visit (-15):
Single Birth (+5): 1 (+5)
Twins (+10):
Triplets (+15):
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5):
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10):
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5):
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10):
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10):
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10):
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10):
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20): 2 (+40)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5):
Left Over Points from TS3: +535
New Count in TS4: +50
Total: +585

1 thought on “There’s a Chicken in the House 16.6

  1. zefiewings

    Love it! I am so excited for sim interests, glad to see them start coming into play. And I will definitely have to get that cottage set, it’s so cute! Queenie is such a perfect name, too bad she cant be the heir. But I’m sure whoever our heir is will be great anyway. 🙂


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