The Zales in Riverview 15.2

Hi Guys!  Welcome to another installment of everyone’s favorite pixel people.

Fun story:  I don’t have my notes/captions for these screenshots, but I wanted to attempt to get it uploaded anyway.  We’ll see if I remember what I was thinking when I took the pics.  Wish me luck!  Onward!

This is the one last look at the Zale property in Isla Paradiso.  It was one of my favorite homes I’ve ever played, and I’m sad the Zales barely got to live here.

Before we could move, I needed to make sure I didn’t return the Zales to any world they’d previously resided in.  A quick review of my blog let me know that the Zales have lived in Aurora Skies, Sunset Valley, Monte Vista, Lucky Palms, Twinbrook, and Appaloosa Plains before Isla Paradiso, so I decide they shall reside in Riverview.

They buy this huge and beautiful lot with a cute small house on it.

I forget the name, Cyprus Lane, I think.

The nice garage area has potential.

I turn it into kind of a private love nest for Oscar and Miriam.

I can’t remember if TS3 Sims can walk on half a square to get to the bed or not… we’ll find out.

I finish furnishing the rest of the garage:

Even has a nice little outdoor area.  There’s only the one bathroom in the main house though, so that will probably need to be adjusted.

Here’s the main house:

Rajan and Natalie get a bed, but the large open area I make into a nursery!  Generation P is going to have to sleep somewhere!  Owen can have the couch or something.

Here’s the downstairs.  I think it’s pretty cute… albeit very small.

Well damn…

…I thought so, however.

Thankfully there’s room to extend the loft area without interfering with the stairs.

I wouldn’t mind calling this space home!  I adore it!

The love birds are getting better acquainted.
I think they’re so cute!  And holy cow, the tattoo actually looks like a tattoo and not a blob.

Oscar and Miriam manage to be settling in nicely while the remaining three are standing in what appears to be a rather uncomfortable clump.

Perhaps they left their advanced door-ing skills in IP.

Ferdinand is here!

Ferdinand is ADORABLE.

Oscar manages to score a girlfriend in Miriam.
Good job, buddy!

They enjoy a romantic afternoon in their new loft.

I really think it’s a cute space!

Afterwards, Oscar can’t be a scuba diver anymore, so there’s a new LTW on the horizon.

Due to his brave trait, and the fact that I’ve never done the Firefighter career, I sign Oscar up.

He takes a cab down to the station and it reminds me of two things.  One, I need to buy them a car.  Two:

I haven’t played in Riverview in a VERY long time, and it’s quite pretty!  I had forgotten.

Here we have Oscar checking out his new employment space.

It’s rather nice, actually.

Then I realize he’s all allergy-y so it’s off to the medical center for a shot.

He needs athletic skill for his new career, so I make him jog home.   (Look at me remembering why I took this pic…)

The family is pretty hungry, and even though Natalie has excellent cooking skills, no one has any food.  So I make Oscar prepare a meal and call everyone to eat.

I love that feature.  It works too!

After most of the family eat (and I don’t get any pictures – there’s a lot of dirty dishes as proof that you will see later, however).  Owen proves to be very much the teenager and play on the computer way too late.

I, a mature adult, would never do that.  O.o

But good for him, he found the couch!

Ferdinand found his little bed too.

And is indeed the cutest thing.

Raj and Natalie agree.

Awwww ❤

Morning rolls around and a well-rested Oscar is working out.

Rajan photobombs while grabbing a book from the reading nook.

Mir was looking SUPER adorable playing on the family computer.

I think she’s SO pretty!

Oscar heads out the door in his oh-so-cute fireman attire.

Aww.  I swear he has the hidden grumpy trait, he’s always scowling.

Hey!  Look how cool the carpool vehicle is?

I mean – Ambitions was released 8 years ago, I’m sure you’ve all seen it by now.  But I hadn’t – not in game anyway, I know I’d seen it in other people’s blogs.

Wanting to do well in our new career, we maintain the firetruck.

We’re supposed to make friends too, but no one else shows up.

Me, confusing the intention skill table with something that will give Oscar handiness skill waste time on this thing:

Oops.  I swear I’ve played this game before.


Let’s go, Oscar!

Wrong outfit, but that’s okay.  Driving the firetruck for the win!

Woo Woo 4000!

Aha, a small house fire.

With a funny pop-up!

Another wardrobe change…

But at least we’re getting it done!


He did it!

Back at the station another fireman appears!

This is Hunter Cottoneye.  Everything about him seems perfectly suited.

Hey, trait compatibility!

Insane BFF’s five-ever.

Knowing exactly how best to make friends…
WHAMMO!  Ha ha ha!  It was too silly.

Hunter runs off to use the bathroom and…

Let’s just say someone else had to clean up after him.  Gross.

Couldn’t be a fireman post without a fire pole!

Wee!  All-in-all a great first day on the job.

Back at the house I nearly died from the cute.

I very rarely see the pets in laps.  It is adorable beyond all reason.  Even if Raj’s nostrils look like something out of Star Trek.

The family enjoys a meal together…

Sort of… some horrifying waffles for Nat.  Thanks Mir, for helping clean up!

Um, Oscar?  Do not look at the love of your life that way.

I swear he’s grumpy!

He gets over it quick enough and uses the pickup line “I’m a firefighter” on Miriam.

She’s THRILLED with the idea.

Oscar: Wanna see my hose?

She did.  She did want to see his hose.

(hee hee hee)

Meanwhile I hadn’t seen Owen in a while and… welllllll?

He doesn’t appear to be having a very good time.  He’s over at a friend’s house where they managed to do their homework and brush their teeth.

He made it home around 1:00 am and managed NOT to get caught by Riverview’s finest.

He even grabbed a bite to eat.


Poor thing could really use a bed.  Oh well.  FAIL.

With bathroom time becoming challenging I cram one of those all-in-one bathrooms over in Mir and Oscar’s space.

A little too late however.

Really Raj?  Really?  You were –>  <– THIIIIIS close.  FAIL.

Did I mention Owen needs a bed?

He hates the outdoors, so he’s really happy about this.  Oh well, don’t care.

OMG someone clean up!

I meant to have Oscar hire a maid before he left for work, but I forgot and he can’t do it when he isn’t home.

Fixing up the alarm!

Tinkering with the stove!


It was an uneventful workday, but he did get promoted, so yay!
He also managed to meet another coworker.  Her name is in my notes and she’s clearly not as memorable as Hunter Cottoneye, so that’s all the details you get.

Oh wait!  But then this happens.

Looks like Mr. Hose has some explaining to do.

Next time, what will happen?  A shotgun wedding?  The first of generation P!  Tune in to find out!

For now, the game is running well, so I will leave the Zales in TS3.  But the option to switch them will remain open!

Until then, Happy Simming!

6 thoughts on “The Zales in Riverview 15.2

  1. somebodysangel13

    Aw, Riverview is great, been a long time since I’ve seen it. And yay for discovering new things (even when they’ve been out for years). That’s the amazing thing about this game, can always discover new things.

  2. gryffindork7

    Miriam is so cute! Good choice with the firefighter career – I had a super glitchy time with it (mind you I also attempted it with a ghost) but it was tons of fun! Also, I know “intention skill table” was a typo, but it has me imagining some kind of seminar where sims sit down and learn the valuable art of doing things on purpose…

  3. pinkfiend1

    Pets can sit on laps! Colour me shocked.
    I find moving always speeds the game up. I suppose it’s because the number of background sims is hugely reduced and thus all the complicated relationship data. Although using story progression to cap the residents is good. I find 100-150 is best. But I imagine each computer varies.


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