Golden Plumbobs 2024 – Bristol Pees on Floor – Quill Sparkles 17.6

Well, hello there!  And welcome to another installment of the internet’s favorite Zales –

But first, I have to say, I was nominated for a 2024 Golden Plumbob Award over on Boolprop!
I am beyond shocked to see the Zales make a nomination – but I was even MORE SHOCKED to see what category!  My little blog was nominated not under an ISBI, not under a challenge, but under Glamorous Architect!  I have never found myself to be a decent builder here in The Sims, but I am touched and honored that the Zale house they reside in now, earned us a nomination!

If you want to go give those Zales a vote – head on over to the forum and give us a click!  Thanks for the consideration!  I have uploaded it to the Gallery in case anyone wants to live like a Zale in their own games.  Just search EA ID HBLAIR and you’ll find it!

And let’s move on and see what those Zales manage to get up to next!


The TH Quill is fast asleep.  Good.  He deserves it.

Bristol is about to do some flashcards with Reed.

And you can see little Raven there too.

Rainy is having a snack.

River is playing with toys while Ridge climbs into bed.

Man there’s a lot of kids in here.  This generation is way too big, especially with the addition of infants… They’re all cuties though!

Rainy then started doing flashcards with Ridge, and I just noticed how pretty his eyes are!

Even if he’s a sad little nugget.

Quill has work in an hour, and isn’t doing great.

Sorry buddy.  You’re the sole provider.  And you know, you have to do everything around here.  TH has its drawbacks for sure!

Bristol decides she likes metal music.

Rock on.

And hey, Quill must not have been doing too badly – he got a raise!

That is quite the hourly rate – they still have less than $300k in the bank, however.  Poorest legacy out there that’s 17 generations in, I bet!

Bristol managed to take pretty good care of all the kids while Quill was at work.

And Rainy is having a blast back there!

Poor Quill then gets busy… some repairs…

And chores…

And I thought at this time “Hmm, I should hire them a maid…”

I was just sending Quill to sleep when I spot this.

Pretty sure that’s a fail.  Thanks Ridge.  -5

River however earns us some points!


A cute moment with most of the boys in the house.

Ridge is finally in a bed somewhere.

These kids are SO much work…

Fingers crossed for a small generation next time – just pop out one boy and one girl and we’ll dote on them and be happy.  Or I’ll space them out better.  One of Bristol’s pregnancies happened after the infant update, so she had two kids go through the infant stage and three that didn’t.  I had already had her start her last pregnancy when Ridge was a baby, not realizing we’d have so many life stages to work through.

River got asked to join a “Private Club” – not sure what it is all about…

He doesn’t go to the gathering because he’s at school.

Aw, Raven learned to clap!

I know I’ve said it before, but the milestones are so cute and make me very happy.

Then I discovered they already HAD a maid.  She’ a wee bit furry.

And she broke the dishwasher.  Thanks heaps.

OMG, Bristol fixes it!


She didn’t.  Nor did she finish fixing it.


River gets home from school – not having the best day.

He’s a cutie pie though.  Hang in there buddy.

Bristol was caught in the mopping-the-floor-forever-cycle from the broken dishwasher, but it turned out okay!

I’ll take a neat idiot any day of the week.

Then River, who is currently my favorite ever as he earns us all the points – does this!


While Quill rests up for another big day of doing all the things, Bristol manages to be a very helpful little idiot.

I like her again.  ❤

Rainy is ALSO helpful with her little siblings.

River is running a high favorite right now, but Rainy is right up there.  She’s also managed to make it to level 7 fitness or something close to that, so that’s cool :).

Bubble bath time!

Fun & hygiene – Win/win!

I manage to stop the two adults for a moment and share a brief romantic kiss.

I feel like all they do is chores and parenting.

And Quill wanted to spend some time with his wife.

Fulfilling whims and showing off the weird gnome thing I found in someone’s inventory.  I forgot who.

Quill cooked up some Burmese Samosa Soup – I guess it’s a wee bit spicy.

I never get tired of watching Sims breathe fire.

River’s only got a B in school, so Quill flexes his parenting muscle and gets him to do his homework.

Is this family EVER going to age up!?!?

I feel like they’ve been this age forever…

A quick check in with everyone and we have:
Quill ages to elder in 14 days
Bristol ages to elder in 26 days
Rainy has 18 days to YA
River 7 days to teen
Reed 2 days to child
Ridge 8 days to child
Raven 2 days to toddler

At least there’s SOME change on the horizon!  Reed’s age up will be the most helpful!


And on the babies?!?  -5

Rainy got an A (+5) so undoes Bristol’s bad bathroom habits, and then we got his phone call.

We said yes, so she’s no longer a student.

Immediately after that, Rainy gets another call.

Queenie wants to visit!  We say yes of course!  Looks like she’s gotten married, based on her current last name!  (I went into the family tree, and all the spares are married, and one has a step-daughter, but no Zale cousins)

Hi dear!

It was so nice to see her!

Queenie and her niece enjoyed a nice chat.

She didn’t stay long, but it was fun to have her around for a bit.

Nice pillow, Raven.

Since Rainy is no longer a student, I have her join a career as her one Teen action.

She is now a lifeguard!  Fun!  I don’t think I’ve seen this career at all before.

Bristol?  Why are you so filthy all of a sudden?

What did you do?!?


-5  I am unimpressed.

I was watching Quill make French toast, and he sparkles when he cooks!

Isn’t he cute?  *bling!*

Bristol may have some bathroom problems, but that’s probably because she runs herself ragged with all the kids and their care.

She really is quite helpful, so I need to cut her some slack.

Finally we have a couple birthdays!  Raven goes first.

She rolls Silly.  Aw.

Before Quill could slap another set of birthday candles on the cake, hungry toddlers have stolen some slices.

His energy is very low, but I try to have him make Reed a cake too.

Meanwhile, Rainy woke up embarrassed by bad acne.

Aw, poor kid.  It’s not too bad!

Quill manages to get Reed to his cake.

Hang in there, you can ALMOST sleep.

Reed wanders outside to age up for no reason at all.

He rolls Art Lover and has the Mind & Body Aspiration.

Quill manages to get to bed before passing out or peeing himself, so that’s good.

Gotta love that ruby red plumbob.

Here’s cute little Reed post makeover.  He’s a doll!

Don’t mind Raven pulling faces in the background.

She’s a cutie too!

With such the age gap between her and her sister, the heir poll ought to be interesting.  We’ll see how far Raven matures before Rainy’s YA birthday, and then we’ll put it to a vote!

That’s all for now – thanks for reading, as always!  And until next time, Happy Simming!

Self-Wetting (-5): 5 (-25)
Pass Out (-5): 9 (-45)
Failing School (-5):
NTH children earning an A in school (+5): 5 (+25)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5):
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5): 11 (+55)
Accidental Deaths (-10):
Fires (-10): 1 (-10) (ha ha ha ha, one…)
Social Worker Visit (-15):
Single Birth (+5): 6 (+30)
Twins (+10):
Triplets (+15):
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5): 9 (+45)
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10): 1 (+10)
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5): 4 (+20)
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10): 3 (+30)
TH reaching top of their career (+5) 1 (+5)
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10):
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10):
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10):
**Note on the above – Since P moved over from TS3, I can’t count them, and Q is where we’re at now, I will award these points when I pass the torch to R – but I have randomized everything, and used no reward points since the move to TS4
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20): 2 (+40)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5):
Left Over Points from TS3: +535
New Count in TS4: +210
Total: +745

Rainy Goes to Prom (plus 100 other things I thought you should see) 17.5

Well HELLO!  Welcome, welcome!  This post has a lot of nothing happening, and then just ends because it was getting way too long.  So that’s fun.  More than 100 delightful Simming images for you to enjoy begins NOW.

Zale Check!
Our dear TH Quill is sleeping.

Good, he deserves it.

Bristol is with little Ridge.

Rainy continues to nap on the couch instead of her lovely bed in her lovely bedroom.

(Note:  This post alone has five documented cases of Rainy napping on surfaces… fascinating.)

River is watching gaming streams on the computer.

Reed is waking up all grumpy because he has a new sister.

I hear ya buddy, I didn’t really want her either.

And here’s the sister!  Our shockingly successful, last ditch attempt at another baby girl.

Raven in her generic baby glory.

PS.  Baby shark…

…doo doo doo doo doo doo doo.

River, you turd, quit making a mess.

This house is difficult enough to keep presentable.

Hi Bristol, Rainy, Raven and Plate.

Plate, are you okay?

Plate:  sparkles

Reed develops two quirks when he wakes up.  Early Riser (boo), but Happy to Wake Up (yay!).

Reed:  🙂

Oh yeah, I can follow Rainy to class.  I forgot about that.

I haven’t had that expansion much with an eligible Sim to follow.

I won’t do this often, since I can’t do anything but watch.  At least you’ll get to see some of her cute outfits!

She’s pretty tired, so this probably won’t go well.

About as expected… although not a bad use for “morning free time” for one as sleepy as she is.

Except now she’s also emitting green fumes.

A surefire way to make friends…

She attended class for about five minutes, then left.

Don’t mind the plumbob, since she’s the only one here, I can’t help it.

It’s quickly back to sleeping and stinking on the bench.

Remind me not to do this again.

Yes, you smell bad.

I noticed.

Not to spy on her in the nude, but she showered on her lunch!

And you get to see another outfit!  I tried to embrace the bookworm/goofball with graphic tees.


But isn’t she great thought?

The only acceptable answer is YES.

And her third nap of the day…

At least it’s still lunch time.

She shows up for her afternoon class.

We’ll see if she stays!

She does not.

Rainy: Later losers.

Aaand, another nap.

I will definitely not be following her again.  She can head off alone from now on.

At home River isn’t doing much better.

However, Bristol and the two babies are doing pretty good, so it wasn’t a total waste following Rainy.  The extra NPC idiots did pretty good.

Like mother, like daughter.

I need to sell the coffee maker.

I actually went to put it in the household inventory, because it was a career reward for Quill, and while in there I found Bristol’s Winterfest gift – a robot vacuum!

I’ve never seen one before.  I see it can be upgraded – I’ll have Quill do that when he gets home from the restaurant.

First, River is about to pass out, so Quill sends him to bed.  I hope it works!



On the plus side, Quill’s request to send River to sleep was successful!

So there’s that.

Rainy also found her actual bed.

This is a major victory.

Many hours of Quill doing absolutely everything for everyone, I finally get him to upgrade the robot vacuum so it can clean liquids.

How fun!

Thanks, Santa!

YAY!  Another pair of “potentially” helping hands!

Anything you can do to assist would be greatly appreciated, Rainy.

Bristol – don’t be weird.

I think it’s okay if she picks up her own little brother.

I kept waiting for the older kids to go to school, but it’s Saturday (noob) – However I caught these cuties being good little brothers.

Adorbs. ❤

Quill is off to work, but don’t let the somewhat happy face fool you.

It’s all shambles.  A never-ending cycle of screaming children, diapers, and exhaustion.  Maybe he’s just happy he gets to leave the house.

Oh good, I get to leave too.  Rainy got invited to a pre-prom party.  Here are the party attendees standing around like robots.

Thankfully Rainy (again, sorry about the plumbob, she’s the only playable Sim here, so I can’t hide it) does not just stand there and starts chatting with the redhead.

Her name is Mya.

And she’s a cutie!

I love that hair color, wouldn’t mind seeing it in the legacy…

I have no idea what lot this is, or even what world this is in, because I don’t pay attention…

…but it sure is cute!

These two are having fun, so that’s nice.


Rainy’s bookworm trait makes its first appearance.

She manages to meet someone else, Rigoberto.

He looks like he’s gonna slap her.  (He doesn’t).

Rainy:  Hey, cool chat.  I’m carrying all these dirty dishes, so I’m just gonna do something about them right now.

Rainy: Good thing this place has trashcans.

WE HAVE TRASH CANS, RAINY.  Other teen – Phillip Haas.  Nice hat.

Then this pop-up:

Everyone’s dressed appropriately, except Rainy…

…but at least she didn’t wear this dress.  Ha ha!  Oh hey, that’s Mya.  Nice hat.

Rainy gets her groove on.

I *DID* make her an outfit, so I force her to change.

Git it gurl.

Love the look!

She joins in the dancing, so that’s nice.

ISBI prom was better than I expected.

Then “same dress girl ver. I” (or II, who knows) joins Rainy in a “sweetheart dance” – her name is Alyse Markovic.

I did not expect this!

It was for about four seconds, then she walked away.

That’s fine, I didn’t like you anyway.

Mya seems to be having troubles with her arms.

Ouch.  (I still think she’s cute).

Award time.

Rainy could not look more bored.

And appears to be getting the stank eye.  RUDE.

To the victors go the spoils.

Um yeah, we’re good.


She arrives home freezing, which makes sense.  That is not a very “outside-in-the-winter” appropriate outfit.

The Idiots fared about as well as to be expected.  Remind me to have Quill make some vegetarian food.  River is surviving on increasingly aging birthday cake.

Some quick French toast before he heads off to work.

That’ll help River.  Although not much more nutritious than cake, ha ha.

This was just to show off more of Rainy’s clothes.  This is another PJ look.

She’s so cute.  Hi Bristol.  😐

Dude.  Reed.  Are you okay?

You look 35 and a little nuts.

Rainy & River are very sweet.


Bristol is not helping.

The noise is awful.  Love infants, hate the updates to the crying.  So many different ways to hear them cry now.  Thanks EA.



Couldn’t have put it better myself, Rainy.

I am also unimpressed.

That’s great – put the toxic baby in the bed.

Totally the priority.

This doesn’t bode well.  Quill came home from work, and had him run around taking care of everything, and before I knew it, he was heading back out the door to work.

Without a wink of sleep.  I’m sorry, buddy.  I anticipate a fail.  (Hi mail person, thanks for the bills)

Poor Reed has been trapped in here for hours.

At least Bristol managed to let him out.

I’m shocked.

Quill managed to make it directly to his bed without a fail.

I’m sure I’ll need to wake you up before too long.  Sleep faster.

The children don’t seem to mind the lack of supervision:

Ridge needs to sleep with his eyes closed, however.  Creepy.

The peace was brief, and Bristol, who’s nearly as exhausted as Quill, managed to wake up and take charge.

Keep this up, and I’ll be forced to remember why I loved you so much.  (once)

River realized the place is a disaster and does what he can.

Unfortunately, he can’t help the screaming babies.

Raven ages up!  She adds the sensitive trait.  I don’t really have anywhere to put her, so I moved Reed in with River, and she’ll bunk down with Ridge.

She’s a cutie pie!

Quill is finally awake and ready to face the next day’s challenges.

I put him to work on some vegetarian dishes so River can eat.

Stinky Rainy brings Nigel home from school.

He’s adorable!  River also stinks.  THERE ARE FIVE BATHROOMS.

Hey, it worked!  River is now eating real meals and not just cake.

Veggie dumplings!  YUM!  I also finally added some better lights in the living room, and added some color to the walls.  It’s better.

A new maid showed up today.  She looks thrilled.

She did an excellent job, however.  Unfortunately, she can’t clean the kids.

This filthy little munchkin, Ridge, enters toddlerhood.

He rolled angelic!  Woo!

He’s darling and fell asleep in this chair before Quill could finish upgrading his crib to a toddler bed.

Not a fail!

Reed, although not in very great condition, maxes his communication skill!

POINTS!  +5 (I think this is the first, and only, points in this chapter…)

Quill gets home from work, and starts to try to help poor little Reed out.

Rainy heads off to school in another cute outfit!

This little peanut has cute outfits too.

There we go – All smiles.  ❤

The kids are all very sweet – but I’m so over all the hard work – the next generation is gonna be SMALL.

Maybe not too small.

Quill tries to get Rainy to do her homework.

She does!

These two had the cutest little chat in the bathroom.

Reed was kinda sad, and Ridge was cheering him up.  It was very sweet.

Rainy comes home from school stinky & very tense from doing poorly on her exams.

But with the radio blasting, manages to try to teach Ridge about broccoli.

Rainy: This is where everyone but your momma go to the bathroom

River is still here!  He has a B in school.

Maybe he’ll get an A at some point.

Feeding this little stink-bomb, Quill maxed parenting skill.

He then added perfectionist to his traits, just like Bristol did when she maxed parenting.  Consistent.

ILY Rainy!

Thanks for helping!  She’s determined to teach the little guys how to use the toilet.

It’s NYE, and I noticed how much money Quill is making per shift.

But the Zales still only have $264k in the bank.  I think I need to give more spouses jobs.  I could use their one action per life stage.  I’ll have to do that.

Anyway, I’m going to stop here, even though it’s not exactly a stopping point.  I checked days until age up, and everyone has a ways to go, and we’re already over 100 pictures.  TTFN!

Until next time, Happy Simming!

Self-Wetting (-5): 3 (-15)
Pass Out (-5): 8 (-40)
Failing School (-5):
NTH children earning an A in school (+5): 5 (+25)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5):
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5): 11 (+55)
Accidental Deaths (-10):
Fires (-10): 1 (-10) (ha ha ha ha, one…)
Social Worker Visit (-15):
Single Birth (+5): 6 (+30)
Twins (+10):
Triplets (+15):
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5): 9 (+45)
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10): 1 (+10)
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5): 4 (+20)
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10): 1 (+10)
TH reaching top of their career (+5) 1 (+5)
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10):
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10):
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10):
**Note on the above – Since P moved over from TS3, I can’t count them, and Q is where we’re at now, I will award these points when I pass the torch to R – but I have randomized everything, and used no reward points since the move to TS4
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20): 2 (+40)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5):
Left Over Points from TS3: +535
New Count in TS4: +205
Total: +740

Bristol Falls From Grace 17.4

Boy-howdy & hello!  Welcome to another “fun”-filled adventure with the Zale family!  Let’s get down to it.  Oh, btw, while I was uploading my pictures I realized a took a lot of really useless pictures.  Should be a blast.

Zale Check!  Quill is doing his best to get River learning a skill.

Hey – he mastered potty!  That’s points!


Bristol is hanging out with our favorite baby-man Reed.

Rainy (who I love to bits and pieces) is really digging that popcorn.

I too, like popcorn.

And then there’s Ridge, who dared to be born a not-girl.


In ya go little cutie!

Eat up!

Reed can now reach for objects!  Milestone!

I’ll stop documenting these, but I think they’re super cute and enjoyable.

Rainy plays near her little brother.

So cute, and I always love those imagination graphics.  Charming.

River gets read to sleep, for what feels like the first time ever.

He looks thrilled.  😐

These two are screaming away, but Quill needs sleep, so they’re gonna have to wait.

Or hopefully Bristol wakes up.

She does!

Then it’s mommy-daughter popcorn time on the couch.

(See, lots of useless pics… oh well, still cute and fun.)

River is filthy, but not the least bit concerned about it.

Quill to the rescue!

Like anyone else was gonna do anything about it… *grumble grumble*

Reed can now grab!

Okay now I stop documenting them.  LOL

Tiny-man’s first bubble bath.

Does no one else think he looks like a grown-up shrunk down?  He cracks me up.  This action gets Quill up to parenting level 7.

Ridge kept waking up Reed, so he gets unceremoniously exiled to the hall.

These two spend their first adult only moments for the first time in – well – a LONG time.

Bristol, I don’t think you were supposed to wear that home.

Bristol reached level 10 of parenting skill.  (POINTS! +10)

Immediately after this, she decided she’s a perfectionist.

She also added cheerful later on, but I didn’t capture it.

I think I know why she’s wearing the hospital gown.  She just might commit herself soon.

Reed & Ridge are wearing her quite thin.

River gets us more points!  Movement & Communcations are maxed!  +10

The only two Sims awake right now are River & Reed.

That should go well.

Surprisingly cute!

I was kinda surprised when River watched Reed.

Reed started fussing, which thankfully woke up Bristol who is still contemplating committing herself to the mental hospital.

Quill hasn’t had a full nights sleep in ages, so I’m happy to let Bristol get on with it.

She manages to get Reed to sleep, then devote some time to River too.

Nice work, momma!

Rainy comes home exhausted, AGAIN.  I don’t think she ever gets a full nights sleep either.

Whenever I catch her sleeping, it’s a nap on the couch.  Oh well, better than fails!  She has also decided to enter a picky eating phase.  Good for her.

River stole Bristol’s breakfast after she got distracted by Ridge’s crying.

Works for me, ISBI toddlers are difficult to keep fed!  Bristol can help herself to something else.

Nearly all the children are well-cared for (River just woke up desperate to use the potty, but he’s on it) so these two share a long overdue romantic moment.

I decide they should slow-dance, but for some stupid reason my Sims think this is an outdoor only activity.

Whatever – still cute.

So fancy!  It was nice to be reminded of how much I loved these two.

Quill and River are both in pretty good spirits, so we try to help River skill some.

Compared to non-ISBI toddlers, he’s pretty unskilled.

But then it’s playtime!

Taking advantage of Quill’s high needs, we manage tummy time for the first time with Reed.

Baby-man is NOT a fan.

Poor little booger.

Quill heads off to work, and Bristol does her best.

Coffee helps, but she looks dead inside.  LOL

Hang in there, it’ll get easier.

Rainy is here!  Cute as always, and has discovered a like of fitness.  Great!

And she’s so helpful!

Such a good little kid.

Bristol, honey, go to sleep.  Quill’s here now.

(Although also exhausted)

Here kid, play with this…

I gotta go lie down.

Bristol is still running on pure caffeine.

Rainy tries to help out.

Oh good, she really needs the sleep this time, I’ll wake up Quill if the littles need attention.

OMG.  They’re all asleep.

I win.

River wakes up almost immediately, disturbs his sister, but then he sings to her!

If anyone remembers, that’s his quirk!  Aw!

OOh, my first ever TS4 Midlife Crisis.

I probably won’t see it impact her much, since I don’t control her, but still neat.

These two are often really cute together, even if they have that “difficult” dynamic.

Siblings, amirite?

Still choosing coffee over sleep, I see.

Someone left the 35yo baby-man on the floor in the bathroom.

And no one can reach that TP.  Just sayin.

Oop!  Ridge ages up!  He adds cautious.  Another cute graphic.

He also suffers from the 35yo baby curse, so it wasn’t just Reed’s hair.

But look at those baby blues!  I’ve decided they look like little grown men because they have such strong jawlines.

The house is just too much to handle, so we hire a maid.

Hopefully they’re actually helpful.

I thought these two were fighting, but it doesn’t look like it?

It made River mad, though.

Lots of quirks and milestones flying around, but here’s one I’m happy to see!

Smart baby – he’ll need that trait in this house.

Hey, the maid came – and actually helped.

So that’s cool. I too vacuum up puddles in the bathroom.

What is this madness?

Great.  Another mouth to feed.  And I’m sure it’s a BOY so whatever.

I can hardly wait for the fifth one to arrive.

*gripe gripe gripe*

Thankfully these two are pretty self-sufficient.

River is quite good at feeding himself for an idiot toddler.  (that sounds extra mean)

The babies are running both Quill and Bristol into the ground.

I can’t believe we’re trying again to get another girl to poll with Rainy.  (Who is perfect and I love her)

Hey, at least this guy is going to get a LOT easier starting now!

River rolled vegetarian.  I don’t think I’ve ever had one of those in TS4?  Since it’s an ISBI I’ll probably not notice a lot, but I still thought it was neat.

He is one cutie patootie!

His room got a more grown-up makeover.

With just a couple changes, it will last him through teenage-hood.  I thought it looked nice.

It’s Winterfest, and it’s not like we don’t have five hundred other things to do (grump grump gripe) and here’s the only place the tree would fit.

Enjoy the TV, idiots.

The family does enjoy lighting it, however.

And I manage to get some decorations up.

They look nice.  Fine.  I’m less scrooge-y.

Do a little present opening.

They had fun!

Quill goes to work on a lovely grand meal of a delightful ham dinner.

Maid puts the laundry in the middle of the table that we clearly need to use right now.  Thanks heaps.  It’s like, quicker to just put it away out of the dryer… And you boogie down, Bristol.

Quill calls everyone to the feast, but River goes and gets an omelet.

FINE. :@

At least these three enjoy it.

The babies wake up all stressed out, and at least Bristol helps a little.

She’s been kind of useless lately, not doing what the kids need half the time.  Very annoying.

Dangit Bristol!  PUT HIM BACK DOWN.  Quill was just about to do tummy time!

Trying to get a FEW developmental milestones!

And now look what you’ve done.


Oops, I missed Rainy’s birthday!  I didn’t even recall seeing the notifications, I’m sorry beebee.  She rolled bookworm, and I randomized a teen aspiration – so she’s “Goal Oriented”.  I love her and I had so much fun making all of her clothes.  She also is a goofball, in case anyone forgot (I did).

Of course this is just her jammies, but I’ll keep an eye on her so I can show you more about her.


FAIL -5 – you have fallen from grace, my friend.

Rainy continues to earn my favor and does her homework.

Yeah, homework made me make that face too.  You are SO cute.  Oh, she aged up with “high self-esteem” – not sure if that counts as points, but it’s my party so POINTS.  +5

Speaking of cute, River is as well!

These two still spend a lot of time together, I think they’re “difficult” dynamic has changed, so that’s nice.

Quill is about to pass out, and Bristol keeps putting cake slices all over the place, but I have one more thing I need from Quill before he can rest.

You spit on that cake, little baby-man.

Reed rolls charmer to replace his infant trait of sensitive.  He earned a bonus trait!  Top Notch Infant!  I’m shocked and pleased!  +5

He still looks 35 to me.  In his little cowboy pajamas.

For being so disappointed with all the boys, they are awfully adorable.

Can’t complain TOO MUCH (I mean, more than I already did, which was nonstop).

It’s TIME – and about time too.  Will we get another sister?


Raven is born!  +5 for the single birth.

Ha ha – Read Reed…

And on that clever note, we’ll end this post!

The Zales have one of each of the offspring life-stages.  Raven the newborn, Ridge the infant, Reed the toddler, River the child and Rainy the teen. That’s kinda fun!  However, with the addition of the infants, I’m most likely going to have much fewer kids in the future (touches wood).  I’ll give Raven until Rainy’s YA birthday, and we’ll poll them then.  Hopefully she’ll have aged enough for you guys to have an idea of what you want for the future of the Zales.  Raven is going to have to be pretty spectacular to sway me away from Rainy, who I adore.

Until next time!  Happy Simming!

Self-Wetting (-5): 3 (-15)
Pass Out (-5): 8 (-40)
Failing School (-5):
NTH children earning an A in school (+5): 5 (+25)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5):
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5): 11 (+55)
Accidental Deaths (-10):
Fires (-10): 1 (-10) (ha ha ha ha, one…)
Social Worker Visit (-15):
Single Birth (+5): 6 (+30)
Twins (+10):
Triplets (+15):
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5): 9 (+45)
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10): 1 (+10)
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5): 3 (+15)
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10): 1 (+10)
TH reaching top of their career (+5) 1 (+5)
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10):
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10):
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10):
**Note on the above – Since P moved over from TS3, I can’t count them, and Q is where we’re at now, I will award these points when I pass the torch to R – but I have randomized everything, and used no reward points since the move to TS4
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20): 2 (+40)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5):
Left Over Points from TS3: +535
New Count in TS4: +200
Total: +735

Queenie Stays Over & Ridge Disappoints Us All 17.3

Well I’ll be!  It’s a bona-fide, genuine, Zale ISBI update!  I’m sure all two of you who are still out there are just beyond thrilled.  I know I am!  So let’s get this show on the road!

As always, so we know who the heck everyone is – ZALE CHECK!

Quill has just gotten home from his job as a Chef – I think he’s level 8 or so now.

Lookin’ good, buddy.

Slightly pregnant Bristol is hanging out with little baby Reed.  Now that there’s infants, I wish I’d slowed down the pregnancy schedule for Bristol.  I tested infants in another game file, and I just love them to bits, but to really do them well, it helps to have one at a time.  Poor Reed and the unborn Nooboo will probably not get a lot of milestones.

This room is not very cheery for a nursery – I improve upon in a lot in a little bit.

Rainy is very happily playing in one of the bathrooms.

And River, with very high needs, is getting his boogie on.

He is a cutie!

Hmm, I don’t know what’s going on here – Quill can’t get in the front door…

It isn’t locked… I teleported him in, sent him out, told him to go back in, and he still couldn’t do it.  Oh well, I’ll teleport him for now.

Great – Rainy pulled a gross prank on whichever unsuspecting Sim would next use this toilet.

It was poor Quill.  He is unimpressed.

She then completed her extra credit homework – so all is forgiven.

Maybe she’ll earn me some points.

Little makeover for Reed & the upcoming baby.

I like it!

Quill took out the trash, then couldn’t get back in the house, so obviously this isn’t going to work.  I googled, and travelling with the family often fixes the issue.  Cue 4:30am trip to the park.

(Zales stand like robots) – And it’s straight back home.

It appears to have worked?  Everyone seems to have gotten inside okay.

Not ideal sleeping arrangements, but hey – meetin’ needs is meetin’ needs.  Can’t be picky in an ISBI.  Good little River found the food Quill intentionally did not put away from earlier, for just this reason, so that’s good!

Ooh!  I love these!  River has a good appetite!

That’s likely to be way better than a picky eater.  I’ve only had the picky eater one before. 🙂

Bristol is the sweetest ISBI mom I’ve had.  Or can remember.  Because this blog is… um… more than 9 years old.  Neat.

How long ago was September 1, 2013?

It was 9 years, 9 months, 1 week, and 3 days ago.

This is equivalent to:

  • 308,448,000 seconds
  • 5,140,800 minutes
  • 85,680 hours
  • 3,570 days
  • 510 weeks

Anyhoo, moving on…

Here’s what made me realize Bristol is just the sweetest momma ever:

It’s hard to tell in the picture, but she was swaying slowly and making sweet sounds to little Reed.  It was very heartwarming.  I know it’s just an animation, and all sims make them, but I think it’s because it isn’t just one of the care-for-needs actions they’re all forced to do, but one of the social ones, and it was just nice to see.  And I checked on Bristol’s Sim Profile, and she’s “Extremely Friendly” or something like that.  Extra nice.  Yeah, that tracks.

Rainy!  Do not pick on your little brother!

See?  I warned you!

I’ve had one other aggressive toddler in my playing, and it. was. terrifying.  It was a little girl and she was a maniac!  We’ll see how River goes.

Aw, that’s too bad.  I prefer when families get along.

I always say yes to these, I love the depth they add to the game.

Queenie calls.

As much as I don’t really want another Idiot in the house, we can’t say no to Queenie, and it sounds like she’s going through some stuff, and could use her family.  I guess we’ll have a houseguest for a while.

Bristol is definitely doing her best to raise good little Simmies.

Being an ISBI, I appreciate her so much.  She does so much for the family.  Any skill help with the kids is greatly needed.  She reached parenting skill level 9 just after this pic was captured.

Queenie arrives!

Looks like she’s thinking about robbing the place.

She then grabbed a book, and waited patiently for her brother to wake up.

Cute.  I also forgot how cute she was.  I’m glad I had her come by.

River got another quirk.

I think that’s all he can have now, but I have never seen this one.  Cute.  I’m sure if I could control him at all, I’d see more signs of this being impactful.

Aw – Quill and baby Reed.

Bristol is usually so on top of things, Quill, thankfully, doesn’t have to take care of him often.  He has so much else to do all the time.

Like keep the house clean.

I think the dust bunnies are the stupidest thing ever from this pack, but I do enjoy the “chores” aspect of vacuuming.  Same with the laundry, which is always broken.  All my houses have vacuums and laundry.  There’s good moodlets to be had from that stuff too.  Also worth noting, as soon as Quill finished vacuuming, he discovered he is “neat” – so that’s, well, neat!

He finally realizes Queenie is in the house.


It’s Prank Day, and since he’s the only Sim I can ensure has a good one, he dares Queenie to go streaking.  I did not, for one moment, think she would.

She however… Did.  Well, good for you Queenie.

I don’t know if it’s actually because of her message saying she was going through some stuff, or just a coincidence, but Queenie has been pretty emotional during this visit.  She seems to be having a rough time.

Quill:    😀     Queenie:     😥

Bristol has taken quite a liking to the coffee lately, and is rarely seen without a cup in her hands.

Can’t be good for the nooboo – or her bladder.  (cue ominous foreshadowing)

Oh well, she cleans the house, so whatever keeps her happy.

Quill topped his career!  Woohoo!

Isn’t that some points?  (reviews points list…)  No points 😦
Huh, I’m gonna tweak those a little here when I get done with this post.  I am going to add TH topping career – considering how much else they have to do, I think it’s a real achievement.  I won’t give it more than 5 points, but I’m gonna add it.

Our dear TH takes care of River, who is more neglected than I would prefer.

I hadn’t played an ISBI in awhile, and typically I’m so devoted to reaching skills, and working with toddlers and infants, that it’s hard to just kind of ignore him, aside from his basic needs.  River is perfectly happy, however, and although not the most advanced toddler, he’s doing fine.  This is exactly why I wanted to do an ISBI challenge in the first place.  Let go of some of the control, relax a little, laugh a little, and force myself to play differently.  Anyhoo… again… (This post if full of my ramblings…)

Aw shoot.  Sorry Quill.

I needed just ONE MORE thing from you.  -5

Queenie may have been an unexpected (and rather morose) guest, she’s been fun to have around.

And the kids do really like her.

Trying to get some toddler skilling in before Quill’s shift.

I really had forgotten how much your TH is ran ragged.

Rainy got an A!  +5

Then just mere moments from passing out, she found her bed.

Good girl.  She’s been a favorite of mine since the day she was born.  Well, toddler I guess.  Newborns are ZzZz.  She was never an infant, but she’d have been a cutie patootie!

Reed is now an infant!  He rolled sensitive.

Aww, how cute is that little graphic.  I haven’t had a sensitive newborn yet.  Immediately following this he smiled – earning his first milestone!  Aw.  I haven’t had a newborn earn any that fast.  What fun!

He’s so cute, but somehow looks 35.  Little baby-man.  I love him.

Maybe it’s the hair?  I don’t know or care.  I’m amused to no end.

Quill is at work, so he’s just gonna have to hang out on the floor for a bit.

He is not enthused.

There we go, get the tiny man off the floor.

How cute is the room, btw?  (Pats self on back)

Perhaps shouldn’t pat babies on backs.


Oh, okay, it’s not puke… Reed is a “happy spitter”.


Did I mention I love infants?

I love infants.

BRISTOL ZALE.  I saw that!

FAIL.  -5

Rainy has taken to living in her bathing suit.

I don’t know why – there’s no pool or water toys on the lot.  There’s a hot tub, but she’s too little.  Oh well, the heat is on, and she’s inside, so she shouldn’t freeze.

Reed adds the “early riser” quirk.


Quill is doing his best, but he needs sleep.  Ya’ll are on your own after this diaper change.

I already pushed him to the pass-out point once this post, I’d rather not do it again.

Thankfully, the very pregnant Bristol is still managing to help out a lot.

I’m not looking forward to the additional baby, although it will be kinda fun to have a newborn, infant, toddler & child all in the house – so there’s that!

Both Bristol and Quill are asleep, so one unsupervised River is doing whatever that is he’s doing outside.

This made me realize I hadn’t seen Queenie in a bit, and funny enough, it looks like River is also curious where his aunt is.

We found her asleep in the hot tub.  Okie dokie then.

Bristol should pop any minute now – think girl!  We want someone to poll against Rainy!

Although I do love Rainy, nearly single generation has had a poll, I think?  Cyrus and Celine where the only “one-of-each” generation, but I hadn’t fully committed to the boy/girl/boy/girl rotation at that point, but I believe I just chose? [Looks it up… I just chose]  I know I chose Betinna too, but that’s before I had readers and could poll anyone.  The first poll was generation D, with Daisy being the first ever winner.  It would be a shame not to poll this late in the challenge… man I’m chatterbox today.  So nostalgic… I think it’s because I’ve been reading Sammy Sama’s amazing Alphabet legacy of her own, over in TS2.  Check it out!  I’ve been enjoying it a ton!  Ahem…

Speaking of Rainy, she arrives home exhausted from school.

I wanted to show off her cute outfit.  I’m glad I always make lots of everyday outfits for my Sims, adds a lot of character.  She’s still an A student, and manages to find a bed before she passes out.  Atta girl.

Reed slept through the night!  Another milestone!

I’m so busy with Quill, I didn’t even notice.

It’s time!  I sent Queenie along with Bristol, but she vanished.  I’ll need to check if she’s still visiting the house when I get back to it.

Think Girl!  Girl Girl Girl Girl Girl!


Ridge is born.  woo.hoo.  Trying to name a third boy with an R nature name was not super easy.  So Ridge it is.  Thought about Rocky…  Anyway, a huge disappointment all around.

Of course, Bristol does not agree.

And loves her little Ridge just the way he is.

Well, who knows how long until I post again.  Your guess is as good as mine.  Later today?  11 months from now?  I like to keep you guys guessing.  Should they have another kid trying for another girl?  Embrace Rainy?  Poll the boys?  (gasp!)  I’m open to suggestions.

Thanks for reading, and as always, Happy Simming!

Self-Wetting (-5): 1 (-5)
Pass Out (-5): 8 (-40)
Failing School (-5):
NTH children earning an A in school (+5): 5 (+25)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5):
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5): 9 (+45)
Accidental Deaths (-10):
Fires (-10): 1 (-10) (ha ha ha ha, one…)
Social Worker Visit (-15):
Single Birth (+5): 5 (+25)
Twins (+10):
Triplets (+15):
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5): 9 (+45)
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10): 1 (+10)
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5):
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10):
TH reaching top of their career (+5) 1 (+5)
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10):
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10):
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10):
**Note on the above – Since P moved over from TS3, I can’t count them, and Q is where we’re at now, I will award these points when I pass the torch to R – but I have randomized everything, and used no reward points since the move to TS4
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20): 2 (+40)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5):
Left Over Points from TS3: +535
New Count in TS4: +185
Total: +720

The Growing Family 17.2

Hey hey kids!  It’s SimNaWriMo’s last day, and this is my last post to make my goal of three posts!  Woohoo!  We all know how this begins.

Zale Check!

Quill is cooking.

Bristol & Rainy are sleeping.

Hi sweeties.

This is a good sign!

Must be time for another baby!

Quill puts his handiness skill and enjoyment to good use, and upgrades some appliances.

The more he upgrades, the less he’ll have to do around the house.

He has a good little helper.

Love it.

Working on some skills.

Such a sweet family!

Hey!  This is good news!

Since it IS his profession!

Oops.  I missed another birthday.

And then this!  DANGIT!

I am not very kind to my very lovely TH.  FAIL  -5

It’s official!

Oh my goodness.  I have missed like, all of this generation’s birthdays.

I’m sorry Rainy – She adds “goofball” but I did earn points for a positive trait.  Happy Toddler!  +5
She’s still such a cutie pie!

The only one awake, I follow her around and watch her be helpful.

Incredibly so!  What a helpful little Zale!

Then she cried in her new big girl room because she didn’t get a party.

I’m sorry dear – it’s all my fault.

I missed whatever she did to make this toilet emit pink smoke?

At least she’s still cleaning up.

It’s Harvest Fest – the gnomes are here.

Quill successfully appeases one then hangs the decorations.

Looks really nice to me!  This is one of my favorite builds, which is NOT my strong suit.

A joint operation to clean the bathroom.

I am not use to such helpful idiots.  This little family is a gift.

Or… a curse.

That pink smoke was a prank that doesn’t just drench Quill in toilet mess, it breaks it too.  She does this constantly, although I don’t bother documenting it much.  It is VERY annoying.

Preggo Bristol keeps Quill company whil he cooks the Grand Meal for Harvest Fest.

Happy Harvest Fest!

Dig in!

Oh wow!  Quill and Bristol enjoyed some marital relations, and I saw a pop-up that he’d learned her woohoo interests.  I investigated and…

…Sexual orientation?  I had never seen this before!  What fun!  Without any mods!  Bristol looks like she’s bisexual, which I thought was pretty neat.

Rainy completed one of her own milestones!


Havin’ fun, bud?  Let’s get ready for work, shall we?

I realized Bristol left her handy dandy lump of clay back at the university neighborhood, so I plopped one in her inventory.

Took about five minutes for her to play with it.

Hi Rainy dear – I’m happy you’re skilling, but you have homework to do, Ms. C Student.

Quill tests his parental influence to get Rainy to study.

It works!


Trying to keep up with Quill’s fitness, and he likes fitness, I send him for a jog.

Have fun!

Then he’s off to work in his chef’s outfit.

Have fun, cutie!

Queenie starts dating someone named Lawson.  So that’s nice.

Good luck, Queenie!

Reminiscent of her toddler days, Rainy boogies down with her momma.

I adore it.

Yay!  Quill got promoted!  We’re one step closer to that fancy fridge!

Then he rolled a wish to write a cookbook, which I’d never seen before.  So we get started.

He has to use Rainy’s computer, as Bristol is on the family machine in the living room.

But his promotion only allowed him a few hours at home before his new job recalls him to the kitchen.

Lovely night.

It’s nooboo time!

Unfortunately, Quill is at work, so he can’t join her at the hospital.  I know it’s an ISBI, and I’m not supposed to interfere, but as I’ve said before, I like babies born at hospitals so we get the birth certificate.

I send her alone.

Hopefully she stays in the birthing machine this time.

It’s a boy!  I name him River.

I decide to stick with a nature theme.  Rainy & River.  Happy to have one of each born, as it is a mini goal of mine.

Welcome home, buddy.

Rainy is NOT impressed with the new addition.

Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll love him.

She gets over it fast enough, and boogies down in the living room on an early Sunday morning.

Rainy:  You stink, kid.

Bristol saves the day, as per her usual excellence.

Woo!  Another promotion!


It was followed by some of the most interesting things I’ve seen regarding a Sim and their career.  He likes cooking, went to school for a culinary degree, but doesn’t seem very  happy.

He also has this moodlet, so is he confused?


And now it’s Rebate Day – so I buy them a hot tub.  This will appease both Bristol & Quill.

Happy Rainy is off to school.  I loved this outfit I put her in.

She’s a lovely little one.

You can’t really tell, but Bristol is pregnant again!


She’s now level 7 of parenting skill!

Awesome!  You go, momma!

I put Quill to work to “assist with project” for Rainy’s school work, I thought she’d join in… but…

…She’s currently far more interested in dancing.

Oh good!  She finally decided to help out!

You can’t let your daddy do your homework.

Bristol is enjoying her favorite activity.  Clay time.


These two remain very adorable.

They’re so sweet and gravitate towards each other all the time.

And Bristol is an excellent ISBI parent.

The best I’ve ever had!

River aged up!  Happy Birthday!

He rolls “independent”.  Hi darling!

He found some popcorn, so at least he won’t starve.

I wake up Quill to get him started on some skilling.

River is NOT having it.  Grr face.

Rainy is finally a B student, and has returned from her studies to play with clay.

Cute bunny!

River’s fun was very low, based on his face, I’m not sure this is helping.

A whole new meaning to “turn that frown upside-down”.

Rainy wakes up at 3:00am and decides she’s going through a phase.

Good luck getting clay out of that bear suit.

At least the bear phase involves homework, so I can’t complain.

And Bristol doesn’t mind.

And then it’s Bristol/RainyBear boogie time!

I hope these two always continue to dance together.

I then realized I could work on Bristol’s aspiration without cheating, since it’s Mansion Baron.

A couple more windows and some violins.

Some columns…

Beautiful, I know.  Aren’t you so jealous.

I spent every last penny we had on violins, and we can’t quite get there.

Quill will have to work a little harder and then we can try again.

This little nugget is not doing so well.

At least he’s on his way to get some eggs and toast Quill had just made for the family.

While Quill keeps working on upgrading the house, Bristol continues her parental excellence and gives River his much needed bath.

It’s baby time again!  Think girls!

We want to have an heir poll!

Quill and Bristol head off to the hospital.  Really?  Is now the time?

Your wife is having A BABY.

It’s another boy!  Struggling to stay with the nature theme, and only the letter R, I name him Reed.

Reed:  DON’T EAT ME MOMMA!!!?!?!

Back at home with the new bundle of joy, I discover Quill needs to cook three gourmet dishes at a single event.  Might as well get that out of the way.

Whoa, they changed the phone.

When did that happen…

Anyway.  Spares are here!

Quill is busy trying to cook the three gourmet meals, and he kept route-failing… I couldn’t figure out why.  Many attempts scatter the kitchen.

Turns out he didn’t have a counter to cut things on.  Noob Fail.  We did not manage to make the meals in time.

Take two!  It’s 7:00am.  DINNER PARTY TIME.

We did it!

ALSO POINTS.  We also completed 5 of Bristol’s milestones, as well as Quill’s complete aspiration.  Woohoo!

Kitchen is a DISASTER after the two party attempts back-to-back.

There’s more on the floor and in the other rooms.

Crying baby…

…means woken up toddler.  River: 😀   Me:   😡

You.  Sleep here.

This was Paisley & Mahmoud’s old room.

I force Quill out of bed to rescue River.

And Rainy is still here, I promise!

She’s sad because she’s not a bear.  Aw.  Sweet Rainy.

She’s trying to help out with Reed, but she’s ill-equipped.

Poor kid.

And with that, it looks like there’s another baby on the way!

Tiny Bristol Baby Bump while taking care of baby Reed.

Come back soon to see what happens next time!  Think Girls!

Cheers & happy Simming!

Self-Wetting (-5):
Pass Out (-5): 7 (-35)
Failing School (-5):
NTH children earning an A in school (+5): 4 (+20)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5):
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5): 9 (+45)
Accidental Deaths (-10):
Fires (-10): 1 (-10) (ha ha ha ha, one…)
Social Worker Visit (-15):
Single Birth (+5): 1 (+5)
Twins (+10):
Triplets (+15):
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5): 9 (+45)
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10): 1 (+10)
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5):
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10):
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10):
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10):
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10):
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20): 2 (+40)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5):
Left Over Points from TS3: +535
New Count in TS4: +85
Total: +620

Quill Gets a Degree 17.1

Hello!  Welcome, welcome!  There’s a lot to unpack here, so let’s just get started!

Zale Check!

One tired Quill is just getting ready for bed.

Bristol is just chillin’ growing the first baby of Generation R!

Quill wakes up to a disturbing phone call, his mother Paisley has passed away.

Sadness.  Definitely a bummer about being away at school – missed the death of his parents.

Bristol plays around on the computer while Quill is off at class, and discovers a new like!

Me too, Bristol, me too!

Quill keeps up with his studies.

Then just before his next class, Tina Tinker turns up with a present!

It was an upgrade part.  Thanks?

These two are just so cute.

I really adore them.

And united in loss, Bristol’s mother also passes away.

Poor guys.

With a baby on the way, a small bit of preparation has been done to the house.

Bristol had a long string of not sleeping, only napping.  But at least no fails… (yet)

I was worried it would be an ongoing problem, but she ends up sleeping normally later.

Another little Zale will be joining us soon!

I can’t wait to meet the nooboo!

Yeah, I know dear – it’s a mess.


Bristol’s sister Alexandra stops by!

While exploring the social menu between Quill and Alexandra, I saw the option to “Ask for Blessing to Marry”, so I give it a go!

She was happy enough, she’s just super sad about her mom dying.

Mahmoud must’ve taken his cell phone with him to the afterlife, as he calls to invite Quill to the Spice Festival.

Oh – I guess it was a text message – but still.  #realistic

You gonna have that baby any time soon, Bristol?

A nice little massage for a sore back.  They’re both finally done mourning their mothers.

These two make me so happy.

Seriously Bristol – have the baby already!

It was one of the longest “Give Birth In: ???” I’ve experienced.


I know I’m not supposed to interfere, ISBI and all that, but I like having babies at the hospital, so I have Bristol and Quill head off.

Quill handles it with grace and poise.

And then strangely enough – I agree with Quill’s reaction.

Uh – you guys okay?

Bristol manages to get back inside the birthing machine, and successfully produce an offspring.
YAY!  It’s a girl!

Little Rainy Zale is born – the first of the R Generation.

Hello, little one.

OH NO!  A FAIL!  -5

I’m so sorry Quill!  He was finally inspired, and for his Aspiration, he needed to cook while inspired.  I thought he’d make it!  Alas!

Bristol tries her hand at parenting…

…this isn’t what she needs, but I appreciate the effort.

Woo!  She figured it out!

Great work, Bristol!

So cute – it’s fun having a baby in the house.

Quill needs to throw a dinner party, and earn at least Silver.  I’ve never done it before, so I give it a go.  He invites his siblings, Queenie, Quay & Quest.

Hi Quay!


And um… Quest?

You okay there?

Nice dude.

You chop that salad.

So nice to see the spares all together.

Party went well, and FAST.

We got the required silver medal.

The party guests left instantly, but these two enjoyed a nice little chat.

Bristol doesn’t always get Rainy’s needs right on the first try, but she’s a very attentive momma.

It’s quite nice!

They are just precious, enjoying a nice breakfast.

Quill has some final classes of the term today!

I found some seeds in Quill’s pocket, thought we might try our hand at gardening.

See if he likes it.

Report card time!

He did great!

And it’s time for Quill’s final term!  Thank goodness.

I’ve actually had a good time, but so much of their life passes.  Quill is almost finished with young adulthood.  I’m glad they’ve already had one child, and that she’s heir eligible.

I bought them a treadmill; Bristol keeps Quill company.

They are such an easy going, and happy couple.  They choose to spend time with each other all the time, and always have such pleasant interactions.  They’re so charming and a joy to play.

Quill works on a term paper while Bristol makes it to parenting level 4.

Good work, both of you!

Bristol has channeled her maker trait into the lump of clay, and is very fond of it.

She makes many unique shapes, it is quite entertaining.

Rainy aged up!  She has rolled “wild” – oh goodie.

But what a little peanut!

Her little nook gets a makeover.

And Quill reads her to sleep.

I hate how hungry toddlers wake up in an ISBI.  It’s so difficult to get food in them when you can’t control them.  Even if Quill is around to try to get her fed, it’s often a challenge.  When I play non-ISBI games, I always take something out of the fridge and have the toddler grab it.  However, Bristol did EXCELLENT.

I should’ve known, and not been worried.

Of course, then Rainy does this.

I am not impressed.

Rainy managed to eat enough food to be in the mood to boogie with her momma.

Too.  Freaking.  Cute.

Later, poor Rainy wakes up from a nightmare!

That always makes me sad.

Momma Bristol to the rescue.

Rainy needs so many skills, but Quill is very busy with his classwork.


She is so stinkin’ CUTE.

Quill got a strange phone call about inheriting some money under some conditions.  I think I’ve asked about the conditions before, and the result was something like “Too bad, the only condition was not asking about conditions”… so I said the “MONEY MONEY MONEY” option just to see what happens.  Look at this!

Interesting!  I do want them to get married, but there’s a lot of that new(ish) wedding stuff I wanted to try out?  It’s Thursday now, so I should have until the following Wednesday?  We’ll see what happens!

Um, I agree with Quill’s expression.

Rainy needed to eat before bed, but it didn’t go well.  I’m counting this as a pass out fail.  -5

She woke up cheerful enough and played “smash the sandwich” vs “eat the sandwich”.

Aaannnd… out she goes again.


Try to cram in a potty-training session real quick-like, since she’s so behind on skills.

Phew!  We get her to bed before another fail!

Or not.


I got a pop-up that Bristol had learned the gardening skill.  Looks like she’s decided to tend to the plants.

Cool.  Quill sure hasn’t done anything with them.

Rainy keeps her daddy company while he studies.

They both look like they’re having a blast.

Then some playtime!

Oops.  Sorry Bristol.

Happy Birthday!

Bristol wasn’t even that bummed about not getting a cake, and resumed her regular happy-go-lucky self.

Follow-up on the strange phone call about getting married for an inheritance.

Quill has this moodlet.  Very interesting!

Bristol doesn’t usually have to cook, as Quill is the chef in the family, but she decided right now she likes cooking.

And Quill is rocking those knives.

Bath time!

Followed by unsafe and irresponsible unsupervised time.

Both her parents are sleeping, so it’s middle of the night lawn games time.

Bristol saves the day!

Of course!

With Rainy properly tucked away, these two enjoy some adult time.

I totally forgot they weren’t engaged!


That magically disappears.

Quill?  What are you doing?  You’re not childish, are you?

Oh, he is.  Anyway, that little train graphic is so cute!

Final grades!

Not so great in “Big Food” but hey – he was raising a toddler!  All-in-all, I’d say he was very successful!

I know, I know I keep saying it…


Hey!  His graduation is tomorrow!

My first one in TS4!

No Ralph.  Quill does not want to hang out with his fiancée’s ex-husband.

Quit it.

I noticed Quill had a family loss sadness moodlet.

Looks like it must’ve been his Aunt Penny.

They certainly weren’t close.

Rainy enjoys more unsupervised outside time.

They seem to have a little bit of opposite sleep schedules.

Quills sadness made him want to finish a painting.

How talented.

Hey!  Graduation time!

He looks silly with that face he’s making.

Looks fun?

Kinda cool!

But uneventful.

Quill got a moodlet about graduating (which I swore I captured, but must not have), so I’m not sure what else there is to do here.  I was just about to move them back into the Zale house when I thought – I don’t think there’s any living relatives!!!  Did we lose the house?!?!?!

Oh thank goodness!  QUEENIE IS HERE.

Back at the Zale Homestead, Quill gets a little wall of honor.

Kinda neat!  I like seeing things I haven’t seen before.

Although Queenie definitely saved the day, it’s time for her to move out.

Bye dear!  Thanks for everything!  I always knew you were special and underrated!

I wanted to try out the new wedding event stuff, but I think I’ll save that for the next heir.  There’s lots of cool stuff to do, and these guys are already adults.  Also, they don’t seem to have any relationships to make parties, or weddings, or ring pals, or anything like that worthwhile.

So why not elope in the laundry room?

As fine a wedding as any.

With that, Quill begins his chef career and enjoys a signing bonus!

I also believe he has started at level 7.

Well – that’s all for this update!  Join us again soon (hopefully) to see what’s next for those Zany Zales!  Cheers and happy simming!

PS. I think because they moved, the potential inheritance from the weird phone call requiring Quill to get married was lost. They did get married within the window, but since they’re not in that neighborhood anymore, no dice. Still was a fun experience!

Self Wetting (-5):
Pass Out (-5): 6 (-30)
Failing School (-5):
NTH children earning an A in school (+5): 4 (+20)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5):
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5): 8 (+40)
Accidental Deaths (-10):
Fires (-10): 1 (-10) (ha ha ha ha, one…)
Social Worker Visit (-15):
Single Birth (+5): 1 (+5)
Twins (+10):
Triplets (+15):
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5):
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10):
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5):
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10):
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10):
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10):
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10):
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20): 2 (+40)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5):
Left Over Points from TS3: +535
New Count in TS4: +65
Total: +600

Quill Goes to University 17.0

Hello!  Welcome, welcome!  Believe it or not, it’s time for another Zale Family ISBI-Alphabetcy installment!  It has been a LONG time since the last post, and I apologize to any of you who are still loyal Zale readers.  It has been more than 10 months since the last post, and 8 years, 10 months and 15 days since Abe Zale first graced the internet.  But I’m still here, and the Zales are too.  So without further ado, ZALE CHECK!

Quill is applying to university!

Mahmoud & Queenie are eating cake, Paisley is doing some teaching work.

Quill’s room gets a grownup makeover.

I think it looks nice.

I’m sure Pais is happy to never have to fix another appliance.

Paisley & Queenie wake up early the next day and behave responsibly.

Quill wanted to buy a popcorn maker – who am I to deny his wishes?

(This post is riveting, my goodness…)  No wonder no one reads this, ha ha ha ha!


Look at the happy little Zales. ❤

Quest stopped by!

Hi dear!  I hope life out in Story Progression is treating you okay.

Quill doesn’t stick around to visit with Quest.  He likes fitness, and even though we’re most likely to find a spouse at school, doesn’t mean we can’t look a little now!

Off to the gym!

I spot a female…

…but I’m ready for some different hair colors.

After a nice jog, Quill rests his muscles in the hot tub…

…does a little yoga…

…then is back home for naptime.

There isn’t much else to do while waiting to hear from the universities.

Ew, get a room.

(JK, I’m glad they still love each other) ❤

Quill needs to improve his cooking skill, so he’s the new chef in the house.

Those veggies look lovely.

Queenie begins autonomous repair of the broken dishwasher!

Thanks girl!  She is an underappreciated Zale.

Paisley gets a more mature makeover.

I think she looks great!

Queenie spins into this cute little outfit for school.

I like it!

Woohoo!  Quill got his acceptance letter!

And it includes Culinary Arts!  I want that fridge that prevents food from rotting, so I’m hoping Quill will top the culinary career.

Time to enroll!

Quill is taking things very seriously, no time for electives.

I attempt to move him into the Darkwing House – the one and only other time I attempted to play with the University expansion, I tried a dorm and it was NOT fun.

I give him $5000.00 so he can buy stuff while he’s away.

And we’re off!

Aww, looks like Mahmoud dropped him off, so cute!

The house is pretty nice, both inside and out!

This could be fun!

Here’s some of the faces of his housemates and people who drop by:



(Nice build, dude)



I kinda liked her unique look, but she’s already an adult.

Nina Caliente (now Munch, she’s married:

They get a long really well, though. 🙂

And I know I said I was over the dark hair, but how cute is Hitomi?

It’s not just social hour, however, Quill is a diligent student and begins working on his term papers.

Hmm, school must be exhausting for these two.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Sims sleep in the hot tub.

His first class!

Looks so pretty!  The university expansion is better than I remember it being.

Good times were short-lived.

Quill’s father dies just days after he dropped him off to school.  😦

Next thing I know, his mom calls to chat.  Aw.

Look at his sad little face.

Well, life must go on…

…Quill continues to work on his studies.

I bought him a bike!

Lookin’ awfully cute there, buddy!

One of his classes requires a presentation to be completed.

He works hard on it late into the night.  PS, the bike is awesome and gives him a huge fun boost on his way to classes – highly recommend.


I rejoin Quill at university.

I had forgotten what he was studying!  Culinary Arts!

He resumes his studies next to some rotting French toast.

Keeping in mind we’re also spouse hunting, here’s one of the few young adults I’ve managed to find.

Bristol Goth.

Here, now you can see her face.

She’s sad because someone has died recently, at least I assume so, as one of Quill’s interaction options was “Console About Death”.

I force Quill to quit his homework and say hi real quick-like.  Stargaze time!

Friendship speedrun.

Aaaaand… she’s married.

I had done something stupid in MCCC to try to encourage more marriages and children born in the neighborhoods, but now everyone is married.  I have currently disabled the mod, however.

I found a single sim!

She’s a young adult too!

This is Arihi – aside from the school spirit batwings, she’s pretty cute!

I like Bristol better… Just sayin’.

It’s Neighborhood Brawl – the stupidest “holiday” in Simming history, but hey…

I want him to have a good day.

Quill spends the next several hours attacking random people and then hugging them.

He had the best day ever.

I saw a pop-up about a debating thingie (that’s the official name), and after finally finding googling where to go to participate, I discover the school’s statue has been vandalized!

Can’t have that, Quill cleans it up.

How cute!  I know he doesn’t have any debating skills, but it should at least be entertaining.

Also, he took Arihi with him, but she’s nowhere to be found.

Bless, he stutters his way through.

Blondie here booed Quill while he spoke, and then showed great interest when his opponent began.


I have no idea what the outcome was, but he got $300?  So that’s cool.  He’s also hungry, but the food stall just closed.

Just when I was pouting about it, some dude came and opened it!

Fun!  You can order the food “for here” or “to go”.

Quill orders a cinnamon roll, “for here” – careful bud…

I’m not sure you should accept food from someone who looks so sinister.

All-in-all, it was a happy event.

Quill on his bike:  🙂

Or… maybe it wasn’t such a happy event.

Well, I had fun.

Quill was fixing a broken sink, then I had him mop up a puddle.  Since the “mop” command often applies to the entire home, I was surprised when he headed upstairs.

I admit I did not even remember this house having an upstairs.  With Quill ignoring it, it was in desperate need of attention.  Since he’s the only one who does anything around here.  😐

Quill is almost done with his homework for the term.

I think.

I like Bristol too much to let her go, and Arihi wouldn’t stick around long enough for a chat, so I invited her over to hang out.

Paisley calls her son in the middle of his visit with Bristol to ask about taking on a new job.

I meant to say yes, but mis-clicked.  Oh well.

She’s just too cute, I think Quill has to make a move…

…fingers crossed!  Married Sims can be difficult to sway away from their spouses.

I attempt exchange phone numbers…

Um, yeah.  That didn’t go well.  (funny though, cuz they already talk on the phone… but okay)

As she was not impressed, we do some damage control cloud gazing to restore their friendship.

Ha, this looks like a kiss, but it’s a best friends hug!

Quill is undeterred, and attempts to blow a kiss across the table.

We just might get her yet!

In a crowded kitchen, Quill decides it’s time for his very first kiss.

It happens to be Bristol’s very first kiss too!

Never mind the fact that she’s married.  I guess she’s never kissed her husband, Ralph.  At least I don’t feel like such the homewrecker anymore.  I mean, she’d never even kissed the guy.

Ahem, we’ll give them some privacy.

And tada!  Quill has a girlfriend.

After some steamy hot tub time, Quill asks Bristol to leave her spouse.

Oh no!

Don’t worry, she says yes.  🙂  Bristol has divorced her husband Ralph to join the Zale madness.  Poor thing has no idea what she’s in for.

And with that, Quill is off to his final exams.

Clearly dressed appropriately.

Back at the house, Quill resumes repairing everything and this happens!

YES!  It is SO much nicer to have a TH who likes handiness!  Hurrah!

His grades are in!

A little neglect in “Gettin’ Saucy” but otherwise, not too bad!

Quill re-enrolls immediately:

Three core classes, and a gourmet cooking elective.

Rather sick of the chaos of the group home, Quill grabs this single family home:

I don’t know where those funds are from, perhaps the Zale family?  Oh well, not complaining.

His couple scholarships really help!

Not a bad price!

The new house is actually really cute.

A couple upgrades, and it’ll be great.

Bristol moves in!

The other members of her household, left to right, top to bottom were:  Jesminder Bheeda, her mother – ex-husband Ralph Goth, then her siblings Alexandrea & Peppino Bheeda.  Her father is deceased, this is who she was sad about when we first met her.  Her maiden name was Bheeda before she married Ralph.

Ralph is a vegetarian who hates children, I think she’ll be better off with Quill.  Maybe.  Bristol has the Mansion Baron aspiration, will age up to adult in 6 days, and has the maker, squeamish, and child of the ocean traits.

As soon as Bristol unpacks, Quest is here for a visit!

I was so happy to see her, but all she did was argue with Quill, knock over their garbage can, and leave.  Thanks…

Bristol has moved in with Quill very quickly after her divorce, and is still very sad about her failed marriage.

With Quill off at class, all I can do is follow Bristol around and watch her cry and nap.

She is not a fellow student and is unemployed.  It’s a wee bit depressing.

Quill works on his term papers.

But is interrupted by the Welcome Wagon!

He greets them all, accepts (and hates) their fruitcake, they visit for a bit, and leave.

Hey, Bristol likes fitness!

Good!  Non-TH Sims often get quite chubby, as they don’t typically do any exercise, maybe this will help her stay a little more fit.

Then the phone rings…

Yeah buddy, I don’t think that’s a good idea.

Quill works hard on his studies.

Both term papers are complete!

Bristol is much more enjoyable now that she’s over the sadness from her divorce.

She’s so cute, and I gave her some more outfits.

She has the maker trait, so I bought her an easel.

Hopefully she’ll use it.

Bristol and Quill chat while he works on his homework.

They look so happy!

Really Paisely?   Aw geez.

I tell her she can come over immediately.  Guilt-trip much?

She looks so cute!

I know we just saw her at the beginning of this post, but I hadn’t seen her in months because of the break.  I was very happy to see her!


And these two got along great!

Paisely heads home, and Bristol off to bed.  But alas!  What is this!

Confetti and a baby bump!  There’s an R in the oven!

And it’s BIG NEWS!

That’s all for this post!  I am excited to see what Quill and Bristol have in store for their futures, and cannot wait to meet the next generation (think girls!).  I hope it won’t be so long until the next update, and if you’re still out there, thank you so much for reading!

No change in score.

Self Wetting (-5):
Pass Out (-5): 2 (-10)
Failing School (-5):
NTH children earning an A in school (+5): 4 (+20)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5):
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5): 8 (+40)
Accidental Deaths (-10):
Fires (-10): 1 (-10) (ha ha ha ha, one…)
Social Worker Visit (-15):
Single Birth (+5): 1 (+5)
Twins (+10):
Triplets (+15):
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5):
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10):
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5):
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10):
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10):
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10):
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10):
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20): 2 (+40)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5):
Left Over Points from TS3: +535
New Count in TS4: +80
Total: +620

RIP Chickens 16.8

Welcome back to another Zale Family ISBI installment!  After reviewing the results of the heir poll, I am happy to announce…

Drum roll please…

Quill had 5 votes here, and 6 on Boolprop for a total of 11!
Quay had 7 votes here, and 4 on Boolprop for a total of 11!

It’s a tie!

That said, it’s my party, so I’m gonna pick my favorite – so Quill will take over generation Q!  I guess I should’ve gone with blog reader preference, but WHATEVER.  I picked, so there we have it.  I’m pleased with the amount of votes cast, and happy to have readers and people taking the time to vote.

Quill is still a teen, so this will be Paisley’s last adventure as TH, while we wait for Quill to age up.  That said – ZALE CHECK:

Mahmoud is watching tv and thinking about food.  He likes food.

Paisley is annoyed cleaning up everyone’s dishes.

Quay, our heir poll victor – almost – is on the toilet.

Sorry buddy, not a great farewell picture.  You deserve better.  However, MOVE OUT.

Future TH Quill, – because I said so – looks like he might’ve realized he won the heir poll!

He did not, but we don’t need to tell him.

Very cute and sweet Queenie is doing her homework in her parent’s room.

Queenie is an underappreciated Zale.  She is my favorite of all Q the kids.

As mentioned, Quay is moving out.  See you later!

I send him to join Penny, Quest and that random kid.  If you recall, when I kicked out Penny, I moved her in with a pregnant woman.  When Quest joined the house, it was just the the kid that was born (I think his name is Asa), and Penny.  The woman vanished.  I assumed she died.  *Spoiler* I will find out in one screenshot I was correct.

Nice place.

Clearly enough beds for everyone.  I take a moment to add a little kitchen and a couple of bunk beds.  No wonder Quest showed up right after she moved out and started digging through the Zale trash.  Kinda of sad, really.  I also discovered Asa’s mom’s urn on the lot.  She did indeed perish.

Back at the house, Queenie is such a cute kid.

Hanging out on the monkey bars.

With only a little more time to get another promotion, and keep this house paid for, I set Paisley to work on the necessary skills.

(Debate and Charisma)

Oh lordie, I forgot about the chickens.

Sorry guys.

Back inside I notice THE IMPOSSIBLE.

Quill proves I have made the correct heir choice, and is FIXING THE DRYER.  Bless.

He then plays with a small kitten toy in the bathroom and hits himself in the head, but hey.

Childish is, what childish does remember that Harry.

Quest stops by!

Hi dear!

Seconds later – Death has come for Snowflake!

RIP.  PS – No one cared or noticed.

Quill!  You little saint you!

Definitely not regretting my choice!  *touches wood*

Oh look.  Guess who’s back?

Mocha’s turn to head to the everafter.  RIP.

Just enough time passes for tragedy to strike again.

There goes Frank.  RIP.


There goes Shadow.  RIP Chickens.

While I was busy watching death reap all the souls of my fowl, Mahmoud decides to google “where do chickens go when they die?” on the PC in Queenie’s room.

Can you not?  She’s trying to sleep.  It’s 4:00 am.  She has school.

Quill wakes up and grabs a bite of breakfast.

Cake.  Nutritious.  Mahmoud approves.

Queenie gets a little play time in before school!

She managed to complete her homework AND extra credit homework over the weekend.  Maybe we’ll see some points?

Aha!  The circle of life continues.

A new chick!

And no, I did not sing the Lion King song.  Shut up.

Paisley goes to work, the kids go off to school, and I follow Mahmoud around with not much else to do.  He ate food.

And watched TV about food.  He didn’t set the house on fire, so I’ll call that a win.

Queenie gets an A!

POINTS!  +5 I knew you were my favorite.

Quill arrives home with Queenie and I saw he was VERY SAD.

Apparently he’s having a mood swing and is incredibly upset about the color of his clothing.  Mahmoud takes it like a champ.
Mahmoud: Shhh, they’re about to flambé.

Queenie, you little gremlin, take a bath.

The flambé can wait.  I see your stink.

Quay stops by!  Hi buddy!

Everyone:  😀

Quest then comes over and we get notifications she needs to give a gift.

It’s fruit seeds.  Neat.  At least Quill is doing his homework.

The next morning, like father; like son.

The best way to eat breakfast is in your nearly identical pajamas while standing in front of the fridge.

Quill heads off to school (well fed) and earns an A!

POINTS! +5 (I totally knew you were the best)

Upon return from school, Queenie is channeling her inner gremlin again.

Beebee, ily.  Bathe.

Quill does a few sit-ups in one of the many bathrooms and decides he likes fitness.

Cool.  You do you, boo.

Paisley gets home and finally earned that promotion!

That took AGES.  As the lone breadwinner, the Zale funds have decreased this entire generation.  Granted they moved in wealthy from their endeavors in TS3… but they do not make money, it is slowly dwindling.

Quill takes his new fitness interests VERY seriously.

He is now level two!

Quay stops by again!

He enjoys a chat with his little sister.

Several in-game minutes ago I changed my MCCC settings to try to increase the chances of marriages or pregnancies with the spares.  I decide to check Paisley’s family tree for any results, and we have some action!

Penny married Brenden Goth!

Quay married a woman named Evie and has a step-daughter, Payton.

I go to check on them and they’re all crammed in that shipping container lot.

Oh dear.

I move Penny and Brenden into a lot in Sulani, Quay, Evie and Payton into a house in Brindleton Bay.  I just picked random houses that didn’t seem crowded and merged the members.  I leave Quest and Asa.

With the spares somewhat squared away, I try to cram one more promotion out of Paisley before Quill’s YA birthday and he takes over (YAY!)

I never really enjoyed the TS4 University pack… Only played it for a few minutes when it released, as I found it rather, well, awful.  However, I’ve decided that Quill shall attend University.  Based on his Master Chef ambition, we’re going to shoot for a fancy Culinary Arts degree at the University of Britechester.

(I seriously have not played any Uni since like, minutes after the release… we’ll see how it goes!)

I use Quill’s first (and only ever action) to apply for scholarships.

He only has one for living in Del Sol, and it eventually earns him $300.00 – thanks, I guess.

It’s someone’s birthday!  Paisley looks like she doesn’t know whose.


Well… just so happens… I DO!


Queenie rolls paranoid to add to bookworm.

I gave her the County Caretaker aspiration, since for some reason those aren’t random in-game, and I was too lazy to visit another site for a randomizer.  Besides… All the chickens died.  I think she is SO CUTE, and still my favorite Paismoud offspring.

Quay called Paisley on the phone and invited her over.  Since I was curious as to how he was living, I accepted.

Cute house!

Here’s Quay’s cute little step-daughter Payton.

I found his wife, Evie, upstairs.

She was on the computer and it was hard to get a pic – BAD DOWN WALLS.  BAD.  Shame on you.  There is only one bedroom in the whole house… I might have to play as Quay for a few to fix that, but not today.

Back at Casa de Zale, Mahmoud is near death.

Paisley hasn’t even entered old age, yet.

However… whatchoo got there, Pais?

Pais: Cake.

Welcome to your elder years, my dear.

She’s not the only one, however!

Confetti time!

Quill rolls self-aborbed to add to genius and childish.  He also managed to earn responsible and good manners!  POINTS! +10

He’s a cutie!

Paisley also aged into elderhood with grace.

And that’s that!  Quill will take over next time, I’ll actually attempt to play University, and heavens knows what’s next for the Zale family!  Thanks for reading and come back soon!


Self Wetting (-5):
Pass Out (-5): 2 (-10)
Failing School (-5):
NTH children earning an A in school (+5): 4 (+20)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5):
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5): 8 (+40)
Accidental Deaths (-10):
Fires (-10): 1 (-10) (ha ha ha ha, one…)
Social Worker Visit (-15):
Single Birth (+5): 1 (+5)
Twins (+10):
Triplets (+15):
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5):
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10):
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5):
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10):
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10):
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10):
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10):
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20): 2 (+40)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5):
Left Over Points from TS3: +535
New Count in TS4: +80
Total: +620

Trauma in the Tub 16.7

Welcome back to another fun-filled Zale adventure!  We shall begin as always with a Zale Check!

Mahmoud is having a bright idea in the kitchen.

Paisley has pierced herself again for work, and is standing outside.

At least the air is breathable today.

Quest is standing in the living room looking smug.

Quay is in his parents room looking sleepy.

I remembered to put his glasses back on from childhood.

Quill is talking to a houseplant.

Queenie is taking a quick nap.

This is about all we see of Queenie this post.  Which is a shame because she’s a sweetie and a cutie.  She’ll get a couple more shots, but not much.

Quest decides she likes fitness from simply standing next to the tv.

So that’s cool I guess.

Poor Paisley hates handiness, but since she’s the only one who can fix anything, well – tough luck.

Suck it up, buttercup.

Penny stops by!

Always nice to see her.

It was a pleasant, cheerful visit.

Good for everyone’s fun & social needs.

Paisley really does have a rough go of things, since she’s the sole breadwinner, the only one who cooks, cleans & repairs all the broken objects.  Her nerd brain aspiration has gone completely ignored.  I need to make sure the next spouse has a job.  I set her to work on the skills needed for another promotion.

The house is too big for her income, and is bleeding funds.  At least Mahmoud hasn’t burnt the stove to a crisp recently.  **touches wood**

Mahmoud wakes up at four in the morning to eat blackened bass and watch tv.

You do you, boo.

Yes dear, you’re in the bathroom.  Use the toilet.

It is not my fault you chose to take a long bath first.

With everyone at work and school except Mahmoud, I watch his little chubby butt get inspired by a cooking show.

He certainly loves food.

The kids get home.  A lot of Bs, so no points.

Quay, take a shower.

The new crops are fun, but too much work for an already overstretched TH.

This will be the final harvest.

Sheesh, Paisley looks away for two minutes, and here’s the state of the kitchen.

She’s gonna love fixing all that.

The chickens are still here, and happy.

And adorable.

Penny stops by and thankfully has a nice chat with Quay who was very tense and slamming things everywhere.

Good ol’ Aunt Penny managed to cheer him up.

I saw Mahmoud’s portrait go red and OH MY.

He’s like glitched and stuck in the bathtub!  I reset him, but expect some fails. 😦

Huh, surprisingly enough he managed to go to the bathroom and find a bed.

I’m proud of you, buddy.

He gradually pulls his needs back together after his trauma in the tub.

Just social need is still in the red.

Kids are home again – if looks could kill, Quill…sheesh.

Calm down dude, and take a shower.

It’s Quest’s adult birthday!

She rolls slob to join dastardly, goofball, and mean.  I never found her to be very mean to her family.

I think she looks very pretty!

She also managed to get the responsible trait, so POINTS!  PLUS +5
Anyway, bye.  She joins Penny’s household which now has the two Zales and a teen dude named Asa.  If you recall, when Penny moved in the other house member was pregnant, so I think the kid is her son.  No idea where mom went.

I think Mahmoud is broken.  He’s just sitting on Quest’s bed.  Maybe he misses her?

(He did get up and start doing stuff after this.  So he’s not completely broken.  Just stay away from the tub, fella.)

Hi cute boys!  Your momma made pancakes! 🙂

Pancakes in background: *BLING*

The boys leave unfed, but Mahmoud has no trouble finding the snacks.

Mahmoud with mouth full of pancakes:  Wut?  I like pancakesh.

Quest pops over for a visit after being gone for less than 24 hours.

Hmm, apparently she isn’t doing so well on her own.

Mahmoud:  Do you need money?  We can give you money.

This is an elder chicken portrait, as I have been notified they are all near death.

I thought about selling them to get some last minute money for them, but kept them anyway.  I’m hoping to get one more hatchable egg.

Kids get home just in time to watch their sister leave.

Poor sweet Queenie ignored all post 😦

No one managed to eat any of Quest’s birthday cake, so Paisley grabs it from the fridge to repurpose.

Who for you ask?

Why it’s Mahmoud.  He has decided to become an old man.

He is not impressed.

He also gets a little more age-appropriate clothing.

I realize if the next heir doesn’t hurry up, he might not live to see grandkids.  That would be sad.

Aw, Quill did his homework and his extra credit work.

Good job!  Feel free to earn us some points with a shiny A on your report card.

The family could no longer leave the hamburger cake alone, and as another birthday looms, Paisley had to bake a cake this time.

Who’s up now?

Quay is growing into a young adult!

Ha ha, both boys are super cute.

Quay rolls child of the ocean, which is added to squeamish & snob.  He managed to earn responsible & good manners traits as well.  POINTS +10

With Quay entering adulthood, it’s time for the Generation 17 HEIR POLL!

Quay Zale – Young Adult – Friends of Animals Aspiration – Snob, Child of the Ocean, Squeamish, Good Manners, Responsible & Animal Affection.  He also has the People Person lifestyle trait.

Quill Zale – Teen – Master Chef Aspiration – Childish, Genius, Essence of Flavor & Happy Toddler – he is also well in range to add Responsible & Good Manners when he ages up in 7 days.

Assuming I got the poll to work (should be below this, after the score count), you can vote here, or over here on Boolprop, or both!  I like both the boys, so I’m not too fussed with who wins.

Self Wetting (-5):
Pass Out (-5): 2 (-10)
Failing School (-5):
NTH children earning an A in school (+5): 2 (+10)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5):
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5): 6 (+30)
Accidental Deaths (-10):
Fires (-10): 1 (-10) (ha ha ha ha, one…)
Social Worker Visit (-15):
Single Birth (+5): 1 (+5)
Twins (+10):
Triplets (+15):
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5):
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10):
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5):
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10):
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10):
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10):
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10):
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20): 2 (+40)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5):
Left Over Points from TS3: +535
New Count in TS4: +65
Total: +600

There’s a Chicken in the House 16.6

Welcome to another fun and exciting post in the Zale ISBI-Alphabetcy!  Today, this blog is 2,890 days old – or 7.9 years.  Well then.  We’ll finish eventually.  Probably.  Before I collect Social Security.


Mahmoud is cheering on the dishwasher.

Paisley is sleeping – trust me, she deserves the rest.

Quest is also asleep, in her own room, in her own bed.

So that’s good.

Quay, although IN the bathroom desperately needs to USE the bathroom.

It’s right there buddy, you can do it.

Quill is filling his bladder.

Whilst also needing to empty it.

Ferdy is on the counters.

Of course.

Zale check complete.

Quill.  Stop that you naughty boy.

Another thing for Paisley to have to clean up later.

Quay finds the jungle gym I bought for Quill’s aspiration.

Nothing like 3 am monkey bars, amirite?

Very pregnant Paisley gets some food in her while Quill & Quest are sweet to each other.


Okay Mahmoud, there’s a lovely plate of eggs and bacon RIGHT THERE.  I hope whatever you’re making doesn’t catch on fire.

PS – I think he’s more fire prone because he’s clumsy.  I read he’s less likely to use “things successfully” – whatever that means.

I’m watching you.

Good.  Good job.

And Ferdy, get off the danged counters.

Aw, these two…

Spoiler – know what happens later, uploading these photos made me sad.

Looks like Paisley forgot to pay the bills (clearly I didn’t forget) so the power is out.

One bored Mahmoud is forced to entertain himself with Ferdy – much to Ferdy’s pleasure!

The kids are home from school on another smoggy day.

Looks like Quest has some dishes to clean up.  As per his norm, Ferdinand greets the kids.  Ily Ferdy.

Quill came home and went straight to nap – in his sisters bed.

I did assign beds!!

Quay – that is not YOUR bed.

You guys are the worst…

Okay, this idiot decided to take my words to heart, and quit napping in his sisters bed.
FAIL!  -5  Thanks  a lot, Quill.

These two manage to keep the love alive throughout all the chaos and silliness.

Paismoud 5ever.

The whole family makes it off to work and school, leaving Mahmoud home with Ferdy.

At least he has TV to entertain him this time!

Until he broke it.

Thanks a lot.

Paisley goes into labor while at work, with lots of hours left until she gets home.  I thought I took the snip of her labor notification but I missed it.  I call her home from work early, and send her off to the hospital.

I swore I clicked “Join”, but she goes alone.  Probably for the best, as she’s managed to fail in her previous births.

It’s a Girl!

I name her Queenie.  So much for a third option for heir poll, but still good – and points!  +5

Kids arrive home from school miserable & smelly.

Well, Quay looks happy enough – although he is indeed smelly.

Oh shoot.  Thanks a lot Quill.

That’s another one for you.  FAIL -5

Queenie is smelly too, apparently it’s a family trait.

Paisley is busy sleeping, so come on Mahmoud.

Quill found his bed for napping.  Quay found it for crying bout an unwanted sibling.

Neither has managed to bathe.

Penny came over to talk to herself in the mirror.

Okay then.  But always nice to see a Zale spare.  Even if she’s the only one.

Paisley gets promoted!

I choose the administrator branch.  I haven’t done either, but this one makes more money – potentially.

It’s TV Season Premiere night, so Pais & Mahmoud watch it together.

Aw.  Looks riveting.

Penny swings by again to play with her niece and nephew’s toys.

Always welcome… even if she’s weird.

Paisley makes Quest a cake in the nick of time, but can’t stick around to celebrate, as she’s about to pass out.

Happy birthday Quest!

She rolls mean and is already a goofball.  I giver her the Chief of Mischief aspiration.

It’s nice to hopefully have another set of helpful hands around the place.


Good job big sis!

I send Paisley out for a jog, as she could stand to slim down a bit.

Funny I said that when this was her pic – she’s much heavier later.  No worries, I love me some Paisley, no matter the size.

Quest does her homework!

Good girl!  However, you should change out of your PJs.

Someone help Queenie!

Paisley is at work!

Thank you Mahmoud!

Or not.  It’s crying, what do I do?

I don’t know dude, you’re like parenting level 8 – figure it out.

15 wrong actions later…

Thank you.  I GUESS.

Quay gets an A!  Yay points!

I finally switched to TS4 scoring, so this will help!  +5

I also have a couple Happy Toddlers:

Quay does NOT have it – poor thing.  Anyhoo, +10

The boys are home from school and chatting in the nursery.

Aka the social hub and homework zone.


Oh hey!  Cottage Stuff!

Not sure how any of this works, but we had to get the animals!  I build a little section for chickens, and an animal shed for one llama and one cow.

Doesn’t quite fit with their urban living, of course, but at least their lot had the space.

The second I hit un-pause after adding the little farm, this happened.

Oops, no party.  Sorry Pais.

Yes yes, mope away – did you see you can buy a cow!?!

Also immediately after restarting, Queenie ages up too!

Hi cutie!  She’s rolls angelic, lucky me!  She’s also the only child to get Mahmoud’s hair color, so that’s exciting!

Ferdy also decided to age up, as it’s the cool thing to do.

He’s an old man cat now.  I love you buddy.

The animals make an appearance!  Meet How Now the Brown Cow.

We also have Yzma, the white llama.

Welcome, ladies!

I also partially filled the chicken coop.  Not knowing how Sims chickens work, but thinking about irl chickens, I get one Brown Rooster, a Black Hen, a Brown Hen, and a White Hen.  Only a couple have made their appearance.

The coop can hold 8 chickens, but I want them to be able to hatch some chicks, so I leave some space.  The hens are Shadow (black), Snowflake (white), and Mocha (brown).  I name the rooster Frank.

Okay, the chickens are incredibly cute, I love them.

I also wanted to try out the new crops – not that Paisley doesn’t have enough to do.

Might regret.

Queenie is needing some attention in the house.

Can’t neglect the human baby!

Erm.  There’s a chicken in the house.

Hi Mocha.

Gorsh dangit Mahmoud!  STOP STARTING FIRES.

FAIL -10

Thank you Quest, you were very helpful.

Mahmoud: unfazed

Time to make this thing lint-less.

Pais decides she dislikes handiness – tough luck toots, you’re the only one to do it.

I got notified that all the animals were unhappy, dirty, etc.  I think it’s just too much with Paisley being the only one capable of doing anything.

I love the animals, and the gameplay is great, but Paisley was overwhelmed half the time before the livestock.

NO!  QUAY!  Don’t age up!  Your momma is making your cake RIGHT NOW.

Drat.  He rolled snob to go with squeamish.  Charming.  I randomize the Friends with Animals thing.  Quite the chin!

He’s still handsome though – and I should’ve given him glasses.  I’ll try to remember to do that.

His first teen action happens to be a very helpful one…

…as Queenie was very near passing out.  Thanks bud.

Hi Son, here’s your birthday ca– oh.

I saw you could now “cook together” with a Sim, so I tried it with Paisley & Quill.

Aw!  So cute!

Reluctantly I’m realizing I can’t keep the livestock happy, Pais just has too much to do, and is the only working member of the household.

I’ll try to take the chickens, but Yzma and How Now might have to go.

Quay, somehow feeling I could use some more help, waters the watermelons.

Thanks bud – now fix the broken plumbing, take care of the dishes, vacuum, cook, clean, and be the sole bread winner.  Fine – just go to school.

Oh.  My.  Heavens.  We have a chick!

No no, not How Now, the little, yellow, adorable, thing in the foreground!

Ferdy races out to greet Quill and Quest on their arrival home from school.

Both “B” students.

Nice try, Queenie – I appreciate your “help”, but that’s not how you fertilize the crops.


Quay!  You helpful teen you!

He rescues the filthy toddler, AND cleans her up!  #winning

Quest says she’s helpful too!

Not my number one locale for flashcards, but hey – I’m not complaining.

*GASP* Looks like the most recent update fixes the vacuuming bug?  First time I’ve seen a Sim vacuum on their own.  It’s kind of been a disaster really – I considered uninstalling it.  Another save I play has a butler, and this ridiculous “Dust Pack” was a joke.

I did need to strip it from her inventory and put it in Paisley’s, but now I know I could give everyone one, and they’d probably help.  Note:  Apparently it’s a wet/dry vac.

Cleaning up Yzma & How Now for sale.

Sorry ladies, Paisely just can’t do it.

Hopefully we can manage the chickens and new crops.

(And now they’ll quit escaping.)

Penny stopped by to use the computer.

Everyone else was too preoccupied to visit with her.

Oh Mahmoud, you big cutie, look how pudgy you are!

And always taking such good care of Ferdy.  Mahmoud: Quit making cake.  Bless.

Kids get home from school, still “B” students, but Quill does his homework!

Pais really needs to make more money so she takes a day of PTO and works on her needed skills for a promotion.

The house bills are more than $4K, and she only brings home $800 per work day.  Time for her to skill is always on the back burner, so I invest in a little break from the office.  She has the vacation days, so she’ll still get paid.

Quay also works on his homework in the dedicated homework spot that is the toddler bed.
Penny makes another appearance!

Another new chick!


Quill earns an A!


Paisley comes home an exhausted mess, don’t let her face fool you.

Although she looks a wee bit nuts, which seems fitting.

Quill, are you trying to win bonus points for future heir?

Because it’s working for me!

Quay is not to be outdone.

Thank you, Boo.

And then this!

My heart! ❤

One of the chicks has grown into a black rooster.  I decide to sell him since we already have Frank.

He earns Paisley $100!

Oh.  oh.  my heart…

Well this is traumatic.  Ferdy?

This is awful.

I hate every second of it.

Rip beebee Ferdy.  Ily.

Ferdinand was a crucial member of the Zale family – even making the transition from TS3.  He was so friendly, and happy.  Mahmoud and him were especially close.  He will be genuinely missed from the household.

Death decides to stick around and visit.

The whimsy of it was lost on me, in the aftereffects of Ferdy’s passing.

But then he took out the trash…

…It helped.  I smiled.  One less chore for Paisley.

Even through all the sadness…

…There is cause to celebrate.

Happy birthday, Queenie!

Quay: **sad toot**

Queenie rolled bookworm and adds Whiz Kid.  She did not complete her toddler skills.  She did however earn Happy Toddler, so +5

I apparently didn’t take a picture until I found her the only one awake playing with toys.

She’s a cute patootie.  Even if she’s awake at 4 am.

The other Zales start to rise and WHAT IS THIS.

An autonomous repair!?!  Cool!  Thanks Quest!

A few short hours later….


Nothing brings a family together like TV. (L to R; Quay, Mahmoud, Quest, Queenie & Quill)  Paisley is feeding the chicken, but she’ll be in soon to bake a cake.

Mahmoud: Cake?

It’s Quill’s turn to join his older siblings in teenagehood.

He adds childish to genius, as well as Master Chef, which brings “essence of flavor”.  He’s the only possible heir to develop a like/dislike – and he likes Comedy.

Another handsome Zale!

And to end this VERY long post – Paisley FINALLY earns that promotion she’d worked so hard for.

Phew – what an adventure!  Come back soon (ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…) for the next installment!

Self Wetting (-5):
Pass Out (-5): 2 (-10)
Failing School (-5):
NTH children earning an A in school (+5): 2 (+10)
Negative Traits Earned by NTHs (-5):
Positive Traits Earned by NTHs (+5): 3 (+15)
Accidental Deaths (-10):
Fires (-10): 1 (-10) (ha ha ha ha, one…)
Social Worker Visit (-15):
Single Birth (+5): 1 (+5)
Twins (+10):
Triplets (+15):
Any sim in the house completing Any Aspiration Milestones (Child/Adult) (+5):
Any sim in the household completing Aspirations (+10):
Toddler Skills maxed by NTH toddlers (+5):
Skills (Child and Adult) maxed by NTH family members (+10):
NTH sims reaching the top of a career (+10):
Randomizing every trait and aspiration for an entire generation (+10):
Not using spares’ Satisfaction Reward points for an entire generation (+10):
Every 100,000 simoleons earned (+20): 2 (+40)
Immortalizing the Torch-Holder (+5):
Left Over Points from TS3: +535
New Count in TS4: +50
Total: +585